MYO-5143: Riley



  Nicknames | Riles   Pronouns | He/Him   Age | ~22   Bun Type | Sloth   Gender | Male   Sexuality | Bisexual   Status  | Single   Height | 5'4" (162cm)   Occupation | Unemployed


Curious · Timid · Shy

Riley grew up quite the sheltered bun, and because of this, he finds it hard to make friends or enter conversatioons without an invitation first. He is quite softspoken, and often times he mumbles when he fears he's becoming too much of the center of attention.

He is timid by nature, but also a curious bun. He often wants to do as much as he can to help those who need it, but finds it hard to ask others if they need the help. He's very patient and caring about those around him, even if he seems a little standoff-ish.

Although being shy and timid is who he is, he finds it easier to communicate with other buns if they talk to him first,


  • Comfy, soft beds and pillows
  • His imps, absolute babies
  • Spending time with those he cares about
  • Cuddle parties! 
  • Long, warm and comforting naps


  • Loud crowds/crowds in general
  • Thunderstorms
  • Coffee - it's too bitter!
  • Cold weather
  • Buns being mean to him or his friends

 Design Notes

Riley was my very first succubun! His original design had angora fur, but after about a month I realised I didn't really like how it looked on him, and I eventually found my style of drawing buns with fur, so I decided to remove it!

When I was first designing him, his colours were a lot more saturated and bright, but I ended up putting a filter over it and got the colours we have for him today.

For my first bun, I knew I wanted a bun with my favourite colours, which happen to be greens and browns. Although I like more yellow-ish greens, I really do love Riley's design at the end of the day! Also who doesn't love a cute little bandana on their bun?


  • Often times when he sleeps, he wraps himself up in his ears.
  • He has multiple of the same colour bandanas so that in case one gets dirty and needs to be washed, he can wear a fresh one!
  • His imps are just as polite and shy as he tends to be, especially Winnie.
  • When drunk, Riley is a completely different bun. Hes louder, can talk to people no problem and very touchy, leaning on others and holding hands with people whenever he can.
  • Prefers to be a bottom.


            Best Friends
He/They 21

Riley absolutely loves spending time with Miso. Miso is 110% Riley's best friend in Burrowgatory. Miso is able to help Riley out of his shell and actually have a good time without worrying about what other buns might think. They get up to tons of mischief together, and of course the obligatory cuddles and naps!

HTML by LeafJelly
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