MYO-503: Wisteria

Owned by zachberrie

 Gift Art - SFW
 Gift Art - NSFW
 Gift Writing - SFW
 Gift Writing - NSFW
Friends Only
PLEASE give her friends!!
Early 20s · Any Pronouns · 4'7" ft · Hobbyist Seamstress

Wisteria is a bit anxious- trying her best to feign confidence, but she is a bit oblivious and naive. She loves to watch anime (especially magical girl animes with her partner, Illumine), play games, and make cute clothes. She is also a big fan of the idol, Isanghan, and often listens to his music while working. She also hopes that one day, maybe, she can be a magical girl herself.

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🌸 THE biggest bottom ever KJDHFGSD
🌸 Can be drawn with any genitalia BUT is always flat chested!!
🌸 Loves praise and being called a good boy or girl :)
🌸 EXTREMELY needy once turned on



Materials and Manga

Category: Character Prompts

Meet Succubuns Wannabe Magical Girl, Wisteria.


Wisteria is a nervous bun who lives by anime a bit too much. Your bun happens to cross paths with him somehow, so how does it go?

You may complete one of the following two prompts to receive a special trinket item for your succubun in accordance with your choice.

Option 1: Careful with the Needle!
Wisteria has been learning to sew and create their own patterns since they were a little kit. They greatly enjoy it and love to share their works with others. Depict your succubun coming accross Wisteria's social media and their work. Do they try one of Wisteria's patterns? If so, how does it go? Do they get it first try, or do they reach out for help?

Rewards: Wisteria's Sewing Pattern

Option 2: Come Watch With Me!
Wisteria loves to watch all kinds of anime, his favorite being ones of the magical girl genre. Depict your bun watching anime with Wisteria. Do they like the one he picked or do they reccomend another? Have they ever watched anime before, or is this their first time doing so?

Rewards: Wisteria's Anime Recommendations

These rewards go directly into your Succubun's inventory. Once your Succubun owns one of Wisteria's trinkets, they will welcome you over anytime.



Reward Amount
Carats 0

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing