MYO-492: Phantom

Owned by Neyoba



Outcast - Loyal - Observant - Smart- Overly protective - charming - Talented

Looks intimidating and not very expressive when people frist meet him. Phantom is usually alone and very secretive about what he does in his day to day life, but will always express himself and his emotions threw music with all sorts of instrument he has lying around his home.

Phantoms lives inside a opera house. When inside it’s run down and have a ere environment, but the closer you go into the auditorium, the more beautiful and clean it is. He only uses this space for guest to enjoy classical music and entertainment. Though because the outside does not look so pretty, and you usually have to wonder into a maze… Some buns just avoid this area at all cost. Though, there are plenty that still go for the experience if they so choose.

Mentioning the love of showing his affection threw music. He also shows his appreciation threw poetry, and materialistic goods. He only shows this side of him when he’s more closer to people that aren’t afraid of him. He can be very charming and loyal, almost like a prince to anyone and loves to read many books. Phantom  always has the time to have deep conversations with someone he admires. Though for so long, he is a very curious Bun trying to learn about everything the world he lives has to offer. He’d never gone out to the public before because he’s usually at home alone with no one to talk too.. though, he doesn’t mind this as he’s very use to this type of life style.

LIKES ₍._.₎♡

  • Classical music
  • Learning new things
  • Writing
  • Singing
  • Walt Dancing

DISLIKE (˵•̀•́˵)

  • Disruptive noises
  • Losing his mind/ migraines
  • This music being stolen
  • Competition