MYO-4908: Charon

Owned by Sun--Ray


"Are you going to pay for that?"

Name: Charon Height: 6'0"
Pronouns: He/him Sexuality: Pansexual
Job: Bartender/barista Status: Single

Serious • Straightforward • Business oriented • Restrained

Charon is a serious individual who takes no nonsense. He is strict and often times can be considered quite the killjoy, always prioritizing montary gain and stability over indulgences, despite his job as the barista and bartender at his small cafe-by-day and bar-by-night establishment. He doesn't beat around the bush, and can be brutally honest about his opinions; If he doesn't like you, you will know.

Despite this however he is quite the good friend to have if you are a bit of a money spender and irrespondsible with your money, as he eagerly gives business advice over a cup of irish coffee and will gladly guide you through you savings account setup. Just be careful not to end up like him, for it becomes abundantly clear that he is more like a hoarding dragon by the end of the day, preferring to keep stacks of money for a "rainy day" and never actually use it.

To friends he is calm and sometimes even indulgent, learning people's favorite drinks and preferred orders and sometimes even giving regulars extra treats amongst their orders. Of course he will state that this is purely business, and that an extra treat goes a long way with making people return, but in actuality it is just his gift giving tendencies rearing their little heads around the corner.

Charon's main place of residency is his apartment above his work. It is well decorated and filled with expensive bottles of wine, whiskey and other indulgent alchoholic beverages, all of which have never, and most likely will never, be opened. The main color scheme is reds, dark browns and golds, though outside of things related to his job, such as an expensive bar counter and mounting racks as well as various storage spaces for booze, his home doesn't seem very lucrative, with the rest seeming more prioritized on doing their purpose. The bedroom is dark and comforting yet not indulgent, the livingroom is simply decorated with the essentials, bathroom serves its purpose -- things along those lines.

Charon's pride and joy however is his establishment. During the day it functions as a cafe and coffee shop, offering baked goods he's made and outsourced himself, as well as coffee, tea and other rejuvinating beverages for the common succubun to enjoy in between work or on a day off. The cafe is decorated nicely and is comfortably lit and often play music from Charon's one indulgent purchase; A golden gramophone. Seats are velvet and tables have a shiny and nice finish that reflects the warm tinted lamps above.

During the evening and well into the night the cafe morphs into a bar, with Charon bringing out drinks and offering indulgent snacks as side pieces. Lights are changed to redder tones to fit the mood better and new crowds often take up the place as he allows musicians he trusts to play live music well into the night. His main expertize comes into play here as he will begin serving up alcoholic beverages of all sorts, perfectly made to order; Just remember to leave a tip, or he'll remember your face.

Regulars at his Bar will know of a little secret. If deemed trustworthy enough, or given a lucrative gift or sum of money, Charon will give them a special token; A single coin. This token is exchanged for easy access to a backroom Charon has furnished for indulgent nights, and is given back after they leave. This room can be used to staying at and sleeping if one feels too tired to venture home, private partys and karaoke nights, or more lustful activities. Just don't trash it, or he'll force you to clean it with your own toothbrush.

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing