MYO-473: Dion

Owned by MotherRadiance

2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-636


🌺 Dion/Didi (He/him) 🌺



Sin: Gluttony
Traits: Flora
Alcohol Tolerance: 7/10
Libido: 77%
Credit Score: 847

As sweet and gentle as the wine he sells, a very mellow bun who would rather dedicate himself to cooking and brewing than to set up shop (not that he has much of an option if he wants to keep making those sweet, sweet carats). Dion tends to keep most people at arm's length, It is hard for him to let others behind his walls,  but once they do, he becomes a rather maternal bun, enjoying taking care of these select few people he lets in. If he likes you, he will personally cook for you, if he loves you he will let you try his homemade pastries and desserts. Because of his introverted attitude, Dion is rather reticent and quiet, but a way to get him talking is gossip, a rather shameful hobby he got from his littermate Magdalena yet it brings him a lot of joy, so if you want to get him talking, bring some fun information, it doesn't even have to be someone he knows.

His wines tend to be preferred by influential buns in Burrowgatory for their luxurious flavors,  there is a rumor that even The Rabbit Hole has bought his wines to stock up for their more distinguished clientele, but Dion will never disclose any of that, not that he cares. Because of the smaller scale of his production, he creates a smaller number of wines but that gives it an even more exclusive image.

He loves the life of luxury his wine brewing skills have afforded him, the convenience it all has brought him, like not worrying about affording food or a place to stay, and not so-mundane needs like having a huge bed with a ridiculous amount of pillows and a majestic kitchen. Yet the part he adores the most is the free time money has afforded him, the possibility to just rest and enjoy food and life; this last bit has mellowed him out a lot, rumor has it that Dion was not as gentle as he shows when he first arrived at Burrowgatory, especially the time period between his parting with the church and him establishing his wine business, it was a difficult time for him, from where he was capable of getting out thanks to Magdalena and the support she provided for him to dig out of the hole he felt he was in.




Loves Valze with all his heart, truly enjoys the company of the rather grumpy bun, who is very sweet to him.

Loves Magdalena like an older sister, holds deep admiration for her and is grateful of the dedicatiom she showed during the worst moment of his life.

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