MYO-4621: Cider

Owned by ChibiCrashey


he/They | 5'8" | Gluttony succubun
"Master" Chef

TH profile

Energetic | stubborn | friendly | proud | experimentalist | foodie

Cider is the incredibly proud owner of Bite Me!; a quaint little restaurant with a very unique serving style.
An incredibly strict 'master' chef, as he calls himself, with incredibly high standards. Always putting his all into anything and everything he makes; a meal full of love despite everything.

Compliment his cooking? He'll respond with a smug, "I know."

However, his strictness in the kitchen doesn't mean he's not a pretty friendly bun. Sure he has high standards and feels like. And sure, if you want to eat 'the best' that he has to offer you'll have to 'work' for it... But he's not a complete asshole. If you're hungry, or a couple carats short from being able to afford something, he'll look the other way and whip up you up a quick, but still delicious, little something. After all, what's the point in making delicious food if you're going to gatekeep who all can eat?

'Special' meals notwhitstanding; everyone deserves to eat a delicious meal.

When he's not working his butt off cooking a variety of simple and elaborate meals, and running around serving them to customers, he's probably going around sampling the many different types of cuisine within the burrow.  Selling the best crème brûlée on the block? He has to try it. Literally just opened up a couple seconds ago? He's been standing in line at least an hour ago; waiting. Also just... Enjoys being on the move. Be it going for a jog, the gym, sparring, etc. Bun likes to keep his body moving. Helps keep his stamina up for the kitchen.

Messy thought-blurbs

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- Rumour has it that the food from Bite Me! is, quite literally, orgasmic. You'd have to try it yourself to find out, though
- Actually prefers to not wear shoes on his glass leg. Doesn't really like the feel. So it's very not uncommon to see him walking around with just one shoe on
- Loves going around and sampling the various cuisines of Burrowgatory, though remains that his cooking is the best in all of Burrowgatory
- It's nice to see, and taste, what others are up to, though. A real good source of inspiration - Also loves looking around for any kinds of new, unique, tasty herbs, spices and the likes. Anything that could elavate his cooking to the next level
- While he also enjoys it, baking is, notably, a weaker skill of his. He continues to do his best to get better at it, though
- In the meantime, because he has incredibly high standards, he will 'suck it up' and outsource certain baked goods and the likes for his restaurant, but only the best of the best!
- His speciality is ---

- A fairly skilled fighter; enjoys sparring in his free time
- Probably loves food more than he loves you






NSFW information

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Versatile switch; really Cider is just flexible like that. Granted he does seem to prefer to top/be the one in control, but...
Pretty into food play, if you can believe it. Though has some particular rules and such tied to it.
While not particularly long, absolutely goes nuts when you play/pull/etc his hair. Which is...why it's kept short.
His tail is pretty sensitive too, but not by much.
While it feels weird when others touch his glass parts, it's a strange kinda...good weird? Like. He'd probably pop the most confused boner if you touched his arm/leg too much in a particular way.
Always flat chested, has a dick.

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