MYO-4545: Amias

Owned by wyn



  Amy, bunbo   He/him   22(?)   Lust bun   'Male'   Homosexual (masc)   Single   Voice Claim   161cm (doll)   Occupation   Theme Song


Cheerful · Sweet · Lazy · Dumb

A seemingly cheerful bun who always tries his best to live a happy fulfilling day, Amias would often be seen pestering those nearby to spread the positive vibes. One could even get the opportunity to try some of his homemade pastries!

Despite appearing like he can bounce around everywhere, the bun could be rather lazy at times, prefering to just wander in nearby places instead of venturing out futher. He could mostly be found lounging in his neighbours house, sometimes ransacking their kitchen. Only by baiting him with something tasty would he actually be willing to leave his comfort zone. But if push comes to shove, Amy would do what he thinks he does best; acting coquettish before dusting his bunbutt off and running away before things could even escalate, while also managing to send a quick flying kiss as he escapes.

However, underneath the bezaddled image lays a lonely and self-consious bun who just wanted more company and someone who loves him wholeheartedly. He would never let others know of this though, and would always cover it with a smile. Reluctantly he admits, his way of thinking isn't the same as the other buns, childish and a bit foolish, but he still wishes for someone to accept him despite that.


  • Pastries
  • Baking
  • Sparkly things
  • Cute outfits


  • Dirt and mud
  • Bitter food
  • Being hungry
  • Loneliness


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

Has super long ears that it touches the floor, much to his dismay as his fur would easily get coated in dust, but he's reluctant to have them tied up. The tip of his ears, hooves, neck fur, cheeks and wings are glittery with shimmer. His hooves and wings are especially iridescent purple and pink with a hint of blue. With every angle, the colour blends and switches. His horns are a pair of heart shaped gems, and even his eyes sparkles like crystals.

He wears pink peony ribbon clips on both side of his head, with large ribbons sewn into his ears, the underside hidden within his fluffy fur. Attached to his neck fur is also a bow decorated with a crystal heart and tassel. More ribbons are sewn into his hips, adding to the colour to match his horns.


  • After a day out, he'd spent the rest of his time at home washing and grooming himself from all the dirt that got stuck in his fur if he wandered out in his bun form.
  • He stills grooms himself if he came back in doll form but it would takes less time since he didn't have to drag his long ears around.
  • The first few attempts at baking, Amias would often find his neighbours to taste test them before putting them up for sale.
  • He's quite good at baking, but his cooking skill is questionable.
  • Likes to visit Lico's and Eggsy's house uninvited when they're at home. He especially likes wandering in Lico's collection room and stare (drool) at his collection of gem stones.


 he/him  ??

His gem nerd of a neighbour who somehow doesn't seem to be keen on the nicknames given to him. More than that, he seems to be very fascinated by shiney stones, just like Amias is with sparkly things so the bun decided that Lico would be a good friend and neighbour to have.

Amy has gotten some gems from him and he loves them very much. He'd often stare at the gems, amazed at how it shine and sparkles, but a lot of the times Liquo's voice would echo in his head, "It's not food". So the bun would have to reluctantly put it away before he starts nibbling on them.

 egg  ??

Because of their appearance that resembles food, Amias couldn't help but take a lil nibble every time they met. Amias also noticed that the number of egghels surrounding this bun seems to be rising before he even realise...

 he/him  Age

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Morbi a fermentum massa. Suspendisse et elit non dui euismod interdum nec et nulla. Nullam sit amet erat pretium, posuere orci efficitur, auctor nisi. Nulla vulputate tincidunt dolor, nec ultricies tellus congue non. Curabitur neque odio, porta non auctor id, mattis eu nunc. Quisque eu malesuada ex.



150「 L O C K E D 」


150x100「 L O C K E D 」


200x125「 L O C K E D 」

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