MYO-442: Marbles

Marbles is a very… Impressionable bun, to say the least. Often trusting others too easily and forgiving even quicker. Due to this, Marbles has begun to have their own doubts about their hobbies and his clothing of choice. While he likes the goth look, Marbles has a special spot for pastels and soft things like furdins! Which Marbles plans to own a few of.

The glutton bun also adores cute things! Sure, Marbles loves a good slasher film and talking about the staging and the effects of said film, but have you SEEN the inkaps who got the rose mochi? Or the FURDINS who had MILK MOCHI?? It's not fair… But Marbles would never admit to it, preferring talking about his interest in horror films and stage setup. If he can get over shyly hiding in the magic clouds he creates since his wings aren't long enough to hide the blush from sweet words.

A huge fan of hard candies… Which his friend, an actor in some horror movies, uses against him when she wants a little more cinema magic in a scene.

Height: 6'3

Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them, She/Her (switches)

Link to ToyHouse (where most art and drabbles are posted): Here!


  • Sini: Best friend! Almost sister like figure that's protective of Marbles in the off chance his lack of red flag alarm hits once again.
  • Asterix: fwb, their actually really close and confide in the other. Even of Asterix bullies him in a way friends do.



  • Marbles, hence the name from his caretaker. Rather racing them or just collecting and making jewelry from them. Has a treasured marble from his caretaker outside of Burrowgatory.
  • Claymation and stop motion, does photography with this.
  • Likes learning different ghost stories and folklore, ends up making up their own 'campfire stories'.
  • Slasher movies and silent film buff. Loves them both even if he knows he's likely first to die in a slasher and that most of silent film is lost if not explosive in a literal sense.
  • Scrapbooking
  • Collecting crystals
  • Collects dolls
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