MYO-433: Stephen

Owned by tapperhed

Stephen... from accounting.

He/Him, 5'8" (as doll), Greed Succubun
Embarrassing. Just, embarrassing really.

Personality-wise, Stephen's a workaholic busybody type. He genuinely does work as an accountant, and assures your carats and spending couldn't be in more capable hands. While he suffers from a mean case of resting bitch face, he's not necessarily standoffish, but does come off as jaded and very chronically exhausted as the bun Definitely works himself too thin. All the same, he's pretty neurotic, very quick to get worked up or grow frantic and there's a clear undercurrent of social anxiety.

He doesn't talk much about himself nor his past, and though he doesn't mind the security that comes with pencil pushing, his current state of employment's not exactly what he had in the cards. A failed musician, driven away from the limelight out of a fear of failure and instead leaning on a position he had confidence at being 'good' at. Still, Stephen's an incredible bassist, and has a mean set of pipes; Even if all good it does him is making him excessively popular with his coworkers during karaoke nights after a few glasses of liquid courage.

He's often found loitering at the rabbit hole or, if you can get him boozy enough to throw caution to the wind, betting it all at the blackjack tables.

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He either has a flat chest or small breasts depending on the vibe, but he never gives himself a dick. Something about, not liking how 'in the way those things can be'.

Submissive, heavy degradation kink.

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