MYO-420: Rowan

Owned by elsiikun


HE/HIM • SLOTH • 5'1"
PREFERENCE: Uhh hmm uhhm uhhh

A lazy stoner bun with self-confidence problems, Rowan is an incredibly fragile and insecure individual whose weaknesses are more apparent than his strengths. He tends to let his  urges take the better of him, in which case is to simply laze around and be as low energy as possible. He prefers to live his life quite easy, and will often steer towards the direction with the least amount of risk. While he may come across as un-fun and boring, that doesn't mean he has no passions. 

Rowan looooves nature and gardening. He is an aficionado when it comes to anything regarding botany, and has his own secret "base" where he would grow his own crops. He also prefers to be in the remote outdoors more, and would rather camp and sleep in a tent than live in some concrete house in the suburbs. He could pretty much live out in the rural regions and be a self-sufficient eco-anarchist if he wants to.

His rather lax and easy-going nature makes him rather chill to be around with. He is a good listener and is very patient, often letting the other speak their mind to the fullest more. However his lack of assertiveness causes him to have a hard time getting a word in, especially with the chatterbox types. That being said, he can be assertive if he has to, especially towards those he finds being a nuisance to him.

Regarding his scar, he got it from an accident during his first days doing random errands at the Burrowgatory, and that scar has remained since even on his doll form.  The reason he lets his scar visible is because of his sire. As a weird form of admiration, he lets his scar exposed just like his sire does.

He is in a relationship with June.


LIKES: Nature and the outdoors, gardening, BIG BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, napping, getting stoned, arugula and fruit salads

DISLIKES: Complicated technologies, when people get too competitive, bad produces



Top =====<0>===== Bottom

Dom =========<0>= Sub

Masc preference ========<0>== Femme preference


Horny ====<0>====== Celibate

Lightweight drinker ===<0>======= Last one standing

Lavish spender =======<0>=== Hoarder

Attention seeker =======<0>=== Space enjoyer

Open relations ========<0>== Closed relations

Gets jealous ===<0>======= Doesn't get jealous



- He has a BIG scar that runs across the side of his face, from the forehead to the chin.

- His bangs are set ablaze with bluish white flames.

- Has 3 smaller flames that surround his head, 1 on the top, 2 on the sides.

- Slim, very effeminate and soft body type.


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