MYO-4070: Senia

Owned by MelloChase


Age: 25 yrs
Gender: Woman (she/her)
Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 5'5"
Build: Curvy
Occupation: Streamer
Horn type: Lust

 Hi perverts~

Burrowgatory's sweetest (and spiciest) streamer and adult content creator here!

Wanna get to know me better outside of my streams? Wanna see some exclusive pictures and highlights? This is the place for you.

Hit the "Switch Profiles" button above if you absolutely can't get enough of me 💖

What happens when you leave one bun alone with two wands? Click below if you're curious 💖

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A special guest visited me recently and he's left you all a present...

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HTML by shroomish
  She/her   Appears 25   Lust   Woman   Bisexual, polyam   Taken   Voice Claim   5'5"   Curvy   Streamer   Theme Song


charismatic · empathetic · clingy · flirty

Talkative, playful, flirty and genuinely deeply caring, Senia is a bun that's usually easy to get along with. Socializing, both in person and online, is one of her favorite activities and she loves meeting new people, regardless of in a platonic, romantic or sexual context. Not even imps are safe from her, as she's known to adopt just about as many as her apartment can hold.

Despite her extroverted and energetic nature, she also delights in nights in with her loved ones or just curling up with a book or a good show by herself. With people she's comfortable with, she enjoys banter and playful teasing and flirting just as much as deep conversations.

Notoriously fond of "making memories," she's usually taking pictures or taking short videos of her daily activities, especially when out on town or hanging out with people. A bit prone to jealousy, she tends to "resource guard" those she's closest to.


  • Imp care
  • Sweet & savory foods
  • Media analysis
  • Gaming
  • Jewelry
  • Quality time


  • Being alone
  • Appointments
  • Cheap booze
  • Sudden, loud noises
  • "Elevated" horror
  • Strong scents


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alcohol Tolerant

 Design Notes

Always wears her collar in doll form. Shimmer is primarily in the form of sparkles as freckles and in her hair and ear fur. Fangs don't have to show when mouth is closed. Only has claws on her hands. Prefers having feet in doll form, but not mandatory. Usually wears her anklet in doll form. Hellfire colors don't need to be exact. Spikes are thorn-shaped.

Usually prefers goth or e-girl styles and dark makeup. Prefers showing skin. Likes to wear her ears down or tied back, up or to the side.


  • Senia streams both NSFW and gaming content. Sometimes she even combines the two!
  • While it may not always show from the way she dresses, Senia is a goth at heart and loves to engage with the culture.
  • Senia runs a little "media club" for herself and a few other buns, to discuss movies, shows, books and the likes.
  • Biting people should be a love language, according to Senia.


 he/him  ??

The definition of love at first sight. And lust too, of course. As soon as she met Tian, Senia needed to have him for herself in whatever way he'd let her. Strong, gentle and more than willing to give her all the attention she needs, she's only fallen for him more and more over time.

They've been together for what feels like forever and Senia doesn't know what she'd do without Tian. She loves being all over him and can usually be found in his lap, regardless of where they're at. While she's secure in their relationship, she tends to be pretty fiercely protective of him.

When not cuddled up in their shared apartment, Senia enjoys taking Tian out dancing or picking out new outfits for him.

 they/she  ??

From the moment they met, Senia absolutely adored Sal. From their goofiness to their sincerity, everything about Sal just makes her heart beat a little faster.

While they haven't been dating for long, their ties still run deep thanks to the friendship that's at the core of their connection. Even before the two of them finally confessed to each other, Senia harbored a lot of romantic feelings for Sal and acknowledging what's always been there has only allowed her to get even closer to Sal.

When not wrapped up in each other's arms, Senia loves just exploring around Burrowgatory with Sal and their imps, seeing the sights and trying new food together.

Click title to view. Warning for sexual content, including BDSM

bottom-leaning vers · sub-leaning switch · masochist · slut · onlybuns creator

Senia is, to put it short, absolutely insatiable. Part of this is being channeled into her career on Onlybuns, but most of it is directed at any of her willing partners. Eager to both please and provoke, she loves to put on skimpy outfits or forego underwear altogether around her partners, hoping one of them will take her up on the invitation.

While she generally revels in submitting to her partners, on occasion she also indulges in topping/domming them in return, especially while heavily leaning into orgasm control and overstimulation.

Generally prefers having a vagina, but not opposed to giving having a penis a go every once in a while.

Main kinks:

  • D/s
  • Painplay
  • Exhibitionism
  • Biting
  • Bondage
  • Size difference
  • Overstimulation
  • Orgasm control
  • Degradation
  • Praise
HTML by LeafJelly
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing