MYO-4059: Kyril

Owned by opaloracle


  Ky (Kai)   He/Him   Mid-20s   Pride   Masc Presenting   Bisexual   Single   Keith David   6'4" // 193cm   Host/Server   People I Don't Like - UPSAHL


Positive Traits: Protective · Empathetic · Responsible · Sentimental · Independent · Kind · Pensive
Negative Traits: Inhibited · Judgmental · Manipulative · Perfectionist · Workaholic · Aloof

"Thank you for requesting me, mam. Whether you use me for the evening or the night, I do hope you find my services pleasing."

Kyril spends most of his time at his job as a mostly pretend butler at the host club and cafe, Enchanted Eve. This host club offers the company and service of their hosts, whom all sport different themes to meet anyone's preference. For the right price, service includes an evening of conversation, connection, and care. For an extra fee, one can order off of the 'Sweet Endings' menu which enables you to spend a steamy night with any host of your choice in their soundproofed and cozy basement suites.

Kyril finds most of his popularity with crowds who wish to be entertained and pampered by 'the perfect gentleman'. He smiles easily, says all the right things, and touches all the right places if asked nicely enough. Careful though, most of it is an intricate act he puts on to pay the bills and satisfy his own need to be liked. Any of his coworkers would attest off the clock that he doesn't speak much, and when he does it can be rather dry, blunt, and rude. Any of his friends would then roll their eyes and tell you that, that demeanor is in itself a bit of a farce too. Kyril cares deeply for those he considers his own, and will go above and beyond to take care of and cherish those who cherish him in return.


  • Warm, comfortable clothes
  • His imps
  • Matcha lattes and dark chocolate pastries
  • Providing aftercare (and he'd be caught dead admitting it, but post sex cuddles)


  • The parasocial aspects of his job, he wishes people understood it's an act
  • Yelling, screaming, and any competing audio sources
  • Having nothing to DO. Is incapable of sitting still or relaxing fully
  • Things he does for others going unappreciated, being unappreciated in general


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

Kyril's eyes, freckles, highlights, and tail all glow and should cast off a blue or golden light respectively. His body is covered in the glowing blue freckles, and although his legs are covered quite often, they do sport waving, winding tattoos up to his hips.

When not at work and wearing his fancy 3-piece suits, he normally wears dark academia styled clothing with lots of sweaters. He has a few brightly coloured clothing items in his closet, but generally speaking he stays in the dark values.

He has shoulder length hair and large twisting, textured horns. If you have Clip Studio Paint, you can buy, download and use his specific horns that I 3D modelled for 40 Clippy by searching "2062662" in the Asset store! (You can use them for your buns/characters as well!)


  • His glasses that he wears to work are fancy to enhance the idea that he's an expensive butler for hire, making some people think that they're non-prescription but he's actually very visually impaired and needs them. He has a more plain pair for everyday and at home use.
  • He sometimes seems way too aloof and inhibited when first meeting him outside of work contexts, making him come across as humourless but he actually does love joking around and teasing, his teasing is just very dry and deadpan so it comes off as bluntness or cruelty without meaning to.
  • He works hard and goes above and beyond, mainly to be acknowledged and approved of. While he is very prideful, that pride is very fragile, and he has a hard time believing he has any worth without being useful.
  • Even if you don't think he does, he is well aware of your dirty laundry. He's very quiet and doesn't speak much unless prompted to do so, so he spends a lot of his time just listening and observing whether people realize it or not.


            Co-Worker/Best Friend w Benefits
 He/Him  Early-20s

"Reverie? He's a co-worker and a huge pain in my ass. Why are you asking about him? Did he do something again?"

Kyril has a playful relationship with Ari. Both have their own masks that they wear everyday and at work. Both recognized each other's 'fakeness' fairly early on with Ari trying to wear him down with flirtation and teasing, and Kyril ignoring it completely as nothing but the lust ever felt really genuine from him. That changed one night when Kyril snapped finally and dragged him down into the club basement and shut him up in a more physical way. Ever since then, their physical relationship has continued and evolved, making room for more genuine emotional connection, although neither will address or admit it. Kyril feels protective over Ari and keeps a watch on his safety in their job, but can sometimes be suffocating if he goes too far. But he will always be there for Ari, whether he wants and asks for it, or not.

            Relationship Type
 Pronouns  Age

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Morbi a fermentum massa. Suspendisse et elit non dui euismod interdum nec et nulla. Nullam sit amet erat pretium, posuere orci efficitur, auctor nisi. Nulla vulputate tincidunt dolor, nec ultricies tellus congue non. Curabitur neque odio, porta non auctor id, mattis eu nunc. Quisque eu malesuada ex.

            Relationship Type
 Pronouns  Age

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Morbi a fermentum massa. Suspendisse et elit non dui euismod interdum nec et nulla. Nullam sit amet erat pretium, posuere orci efficitur, auctor nisi. Nulla vulputate tincidunt dolor, nec ultricies tellus congue non. Curabitur neque odio, porta non auctor id, mattis eu nunc. Quisque eu malesuada ex.


 Subheader 1


I'll update this later!

 Subheader 2

150x100 Curabitur arcu odio, vestibulum sed ex vel, lacinia varius tellus. Nullam rhoncus velit vel turpis viverra, et viverra massa feugiat. Etiam eleifend ullamcorper ligula vel gravida. Proin sed scelerisque justo. Nam et imperdiet nisi, eget elementum orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla auctor eget nibh vitae imperdiet. Mauris dignissim viverra leo nec finibus. Morbi aliquet, est tempus eleifend posuere, risus metus consectetur lacus, ac ullamcorper orci metus ut diam. Pellentesque sed metus in velit convallis gravida. Nullam sed ligula ante. Donec condimentum mauris dictum accumsan laoreet. Praesent ullamcorper elit id ex porta, non mollis ipsum commodo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

 Subheader 3

200x125 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed augue mauris, gravida nec mauris sed, tempus consectetur ipsum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed pretium mollis consectetur. Sed nibh nisi, lobortis vel tempus a, aliquam ac urna. Donec vel quam consectetur, gravida quam et, lacinia mauris. Vivamus luctus lacus ut velit malesuada dignissim. Etiam nibh odio, scelerisque vitae lacus ut, tincidunt sodales nibh. Integer at magna dignissim, accumsan eros eget, viverra odio. Phasellus porta dui eu commodo pharetra. Morbi id lacus finibus, feugiat ex eget, porttitor neque.

Pellentesque feugiat hendrerit est. Cras vel suscipit magna. Morbi euismod est et sollicitudin ullamcorper. Suspendisse ante orci, sollicitudin fringilla lectus in, cursus faucibus arcu. Phasellus sed tellus sapien. Aenean aliquet a velit sit amet volutpat. Nam vel condimentum sem. Vestibulum ac lacinia neque. Nunc pulvinar, justo a dignissim ultricies, justo lectus sagittis sem, sed fermentum elit ante bibendum neque. Phasellus tincidunt sapien tortor, in venenatis dui imperdiet ut. Integer tempus nisl et urna tempor, blandit facilisis dolor placerat. Nunc eget tristique eros. Sed malesuada lacus nunc, auctor commodo sem efficitur sed.


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