MYO-3955: Meridian

Owned by Mercess
  Meridian   he/they   Pride Bun   Pansexual   Single   5'9   Fast Food Worker   Theme Song


out of touch · proud · grandoise · eccentric

Meridian believes with his entire heart that he is bound for something greater than anyone else in the whole of Burrowgatory. He knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he will be the one to unlock his dark inner magical powers and save the entire city from destruction one day. Of course, he doesn't actually know what the destruction will be. Or when his magical powers will manifest, or what they'll be. But he knows it'll happen, and he'll ramble on to whoever will listen about that grand destiny.  He does like to try and invite other people to join him on that grand destiny, and appreciates any work that people are doing to better themselves.

In his day to day life, though, Meridian works a variety of fast food service jobs. He likes them, but he keeps getting fired for 'disturbing the customers' and 'ignoring people waiting in line to monologue' to his own bafflement. He's absolutely certain that those lies are a result of his in-the-shadows enemies, trying to keep him from his true destiny.

His eccentric manner and sworn dedication to his own importance isn't entirely his own fault. Meridian was not actually raised by Murmur, instead being brought up by a demon unfamiliar to Bun rearing who wanted to give it a try. The demon was a very kind caretaker, but they implanted and encouraged those visions of grandeur throughout the entirety of Meridian's first year of life. Meridian also stayed a bit longer than buns typically do, leading those encouragments and memories to stay sharp and even present in his mind.


  • Attention
  • The forests surrounding Burrowgatory
  • Studying the occult
  • Cooking


  • Disbelievers
  • The rush of the city
  • Windy days
  • His enemies foul words


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant
HTML by LeafJelly
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed
  • Please ask before breeding