MYO-3948: Eden

Owned by Keroro




"Perhaps... I can help you with your troubles."

Raised by an ever lovelorn demon, Eden took much after their caretaker and finds herself addicted to the many flavors and styles of romance. Upon her arrival in Burrowgatory, she heavily indulged herself to her vices, playing out every trope and story she read about in her youth. That was until the day cherubuns arrived. Upon seeing them, Eden realized that the Best and Truest romance comes from those who follow a life of virtue. She decided then and there that she would follow the ways of the Heavenly Embassy in hopes that her prince charming might arrive and finally take notice of her to take her away to happily ever after.

Eden resides in a small church to the far edge of Burrowgatory, well suited for misfit succubuns avoiding the judging gazes of those in the city. There, she tries to assist other succubuns who come with the same odd desire to follow virtue. It's not always easy as it sounds, and some people tend to confess too much, leading Eden to ocassionally break her oaths and surrender to her vices. When days are slow and few come to the church, she uses her free time to volunteer at the Bunnery or rarely visit the Heavenly Embassy.

Alcohol Tolerance




Self Control





Cassius - Church Member, Tempter

A pastor within the small church they serve in, he's proven to push Eden further and further into giving in to ther own sinful temptations. He even goes as far to send people seeking confession and "help" with their own sinful desires her way in order to push her further into temptation despite her Sworn Oath of Celibacy.

philos - visitor, companion, admiree

A cherubun new and alien to Burrowgatory, Eden feels somehow blessed to by chance be visited by them in their little desolate Church. Though she's obssessed, she does her best to remain calm and respectful towards Philos. The two have grown close, and Eden will ocassionally visit the Heavenly Embassy to see them.



What's this..? This looks like it might have some saucy stuff in it.
                     (NSFW headcanons ahead, open if you dare!)

Despite Eden having sworn a vow of celibacy, it's a vow she breaks and takes again every day. Her self-control is low, backed up by an extremely high libido, it doesn't take much convincing or coersion to get her to give in.


- Eden is 5'5"
- She has a "secret" obsession with cherubuns and follows her vows in the hopes it earns her one's attention one day
(this factor is meant to be a comical trait, not a story point)
- After breaking her vows, she's known to get very drunk. I'm talking White Girl Wasted.
- She stress bakes to ignore her merciless Libido
-She's quite excellent when it comes to handling babies before they're passed on to Murmur. Breeding Season is one of her favorite times of the year for this reason.
(Breeding is also fun but that's second compared to this)

Relationships: Ask first!
Roleplay: Ask first!
(Preference for headcanons, musings, chatterplotting > literate RP!)

code by osteoh, lightly modified by apothecarum


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