MYO-3944: Tarot

Owned by belovedeg
2024 Breeding Partner: CALLISTO/MYO-3950
Champurrito has permission to breed this succubun.




  Spades   He/They   25   Greed   Male   Pan (Masc preference)   Taken   Will Wood   5'8   Unemployed   Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In!


Sleepy · Chaotic · Impulsive · Flirty

Tarot is a generally laid-back man. You can often find him slumming in seedy bars and pubs, sometimes playing a tune on one of the various instruments he is skilled in. Tarot enjoys flirting with people and being a general menace, especially to people he considers tight-laced or stuck up. Teasing others to get on their nerves and randomly pranking people is something he finds fun. Tarot is a very physically affectionate person as well--hugs, kissing, some casual making out, and sex, he's game for it all. For his friends, Tarot is a fun-loving and caring person. While he remains the annoying menace he is, Tarot goes out of his way to be sweeter and more helpful to his friends. He gives trinkets and fun stuff he steals finds around to the people he cares about. He enjoys the comfort of his friends and loved ones to take naps with or on top of. It isn't uncommon to find Tarot taking a cat nap on a lap or two.


  • Music
  • His Bed
  • Contortionism
  • Trinkets
  • Sweets


  • Work
  • Stuck up behaviour
  • Organizing
  • The Cold
  • Alone Time


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant

 Design Notes

Tarot has a half-sleeve tattoo that starts on his pec, as well as a star tattoo on his hip. He has top surgery scars under both pecs as well.

Tarot normally has half-lidded eyes! Without his hat, he has a normal mullet with the longest pieces coming down to mid chest/shoulder blades.


  • Tarot is a Kleptomaniac, he often impulsively steals and pickpockets from others.
  • While Tarot does not have a job, he does consider himself quite the bard and makes most his money through tips from performing at pubs.
  • Tarot names all his imps after the Major and Minor Arcana


 He/Him  Early 30's

Tarot's boyfriend! Even though their start was rocky, Tarot is extremely fond of Callisto. He loves to invade his personal space, seeking any opporunity to be glued to his side and ruin his elegant imagine. Though he does love to draw Callisto to madness, Tarot is always ready to drop the funny buisness and get serious with him. Whether that be a person to relax with and take off his regal persona, or someone to assert his dominance over-- Tarot is willing to do anything for Callisto.

            Best Friend
 He/Him  27

Meri is Tarot's bestie for restie! These two get up to no good together. Tarot loves Meri's playful side and encourages all his slutty behaviour. Them both preferring to bottom doesn't matter to them, they flirt, make-out, and fuck (sometimes with the addition of one or two additional buns to really spice things up). Tarot often brings Meri intersting baking related trinkets they find, and loves to sample Meri's sweets when the lust bun is experimenting with his baking!

HTML by LeafJelly
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing
  • Please ask before breeding