MYO-3902: Mynte

Owned by ChibiCrashey


he/THEY| 6'1" | Sloth succubun

TH profile

Shy | softspoken | stubborn | curious | lonely

A bit of an odd bun. Mynte loves their peace and quiet, but they sure do hate being lonely. A feeling that they are all too familiar, especially considering  how they very purposefuly live as far away from all of the hustle and bustle of the city. Yes, Mynte really would much rather prefer to spend his days out in nature; growing and studying the various flora of Burrowgatory. Trying to make all sorts of concotions with the various plants and herbs they can get their hooves on.

He's fine. He's fine... He's not lonely.
After all, he has all of these plants, herbs and imps to keep him company...right?

Mynte really, really can't handle all of the loud noises, smells and the likes that tend to come with being in the city, though. Still... Some days the sloth bun does manage to bring himself to make the trek to the city. To be around his fellow succubuns, to socialise, too... It really is too much.


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Submissive switch; service top. Sex is fairly rarely on this bun's mind, though.
Due to how sensitive their hearing is, whispering in their ear tends to be an insta-arousal. Much to their dismay...
Fairly inexperienced when it comes to sex. They've had the odd encounter, and they're not completely clueless... But there is definitely a level of naivety there.
Usually flat chested, but is willing to change it up a little bit if asked nicely. Same deal with the bottom half; what's down there tends to vary on their mood or what's asked of them.
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