MYO-3795: Fuave Flannel

Fuave is a bun who values his tight knit community. Everyone has a place here, and helps each other make it home without intervention from the Church of Sulfer. Which... Fuave has a deep rooted distrust for through no fault of his own. Reigel is better at hiding it then he is though. Fuave wears his heart on his sleep, quick to rile up and fluster if not quick to throw hands. But that doesn't mean he's useless, often found running the communal food garden or making home repears for the buns who are too busy to do so themselves. He even gives lessons to the younger ones who want to learn.

Deep down, Fuave is just happy to be of service and protect. His crooked nose, crooked jaw, the knot in his tail, calloused hands... All of it was for his friends, his family, and the community he helps create. This has led to some... Incidents where he was taken advantage of. Fuave can hold a grudge for a long time, as he is quick to adore and consider one a friend. But when he's hurt Fuave is hurt. He won't get physical, but his work will become more aggressive.

Fuave doesn't forgive easy, he's sensitive and has a hard time letting go or opening up. He doesn't do well when he's left to stew however despite the internal bottling of feelings. But Fuave has a few buns who can metaphorically knock some sense into him. Just takes a moment.

Height: 6'0

Pronouns: He/Him

Toyhouse with more art and drabbles: Here!


  • Reigel: Fuave's caretaker and idol, he gets offended and aggressive when community members bad mouth her. Especially because he knows how much Reigel has helped the commune they live in. Despite her telling him it doesn't hurt her non, he will throw punches. One of his favorite things to do with Reigel is sitting down under a tree with a cool breeze while eating and sharing stories.
  • Yuma: Fuave's recently returned kithood friend and crush, after reuniting things were tense from the betrayle. Fuave honestly thought he was dead. However here comes Yuma back into his life and allowed a room in Fuave's burrow. Still carrying soft feelings for the other. Matentines has recently made his feelings for Yuma come to light after some tenseness between them.


  • Gardening
  • Woodwork
  • Patch collecting
  • Plush collecting
  • Photography
  • Gymnastics
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing