MYO-3756: Klara

Owned by Kewkie
The Ritualistic Artist

She/Her, Introvert
Doll Height: 155cm
Job: Silk and Watercolour Painter

"Such trifle matters don't concern me."


Klara is a reserved succubun, and a part of Burrowgatory's upper echelon. She likes to retreat into her studio to work on her art, uninterrupted. Her work is displayed in museums and clients’ homes. Although she would not peg herself as a clothing designer, she does occasionally create outfits with her paintings on them for special patrons.

She is a stickler for tradition and will only use the painting methods she had been taught. It has to be her way or she will refuse to do the work. This is a reflection of her personality too. Klara takes her art more seriously than anything else. Work is first, play is second.

Klara does not like to involve herself with others, often not reaching out to friends either. Her friend, Beatrice, has to reach out first all the time. Even if she does not say much, she is always observing. Klara keeps an especially close eye on fellow socialites, unafraid to confront them if they do something uncouth. While that might seem rude or toxic, it is how Klara shows her affection towards her friends.

She can be difficult and uncooperative and her judgement comes off quite harsh. She detests loud and rowdy people or places. You can find her at tea houses and the like, where she will partake in traditional tea ceremonies for her enjoyment outside of work.

  • Gift art is allowed