MYO-371: Jarlath

Owned by golden-boy

 gift art - sfw
 Gift Art - nsfw
allowed - solo or /w partners only
 Gift Writing - sfw
 gift writing - nsfw
allowed - solo or /w partners only
 romance + nsfw



A wild bun that frequents music venues and has a hobby of club-hopping, but outside of the club seems like the most stoic and fun-ruining man on the block. He cares a lot about others, meaning that he sometimes is the one to remind them to do things to take care of themselves, much to some bun's disapproval. He's not one to let someone destroy themselves without some push back, and with his large stature and gruff voice, he definitely has the ability to push. He's a big drug and alcohol fan, but he knows when to hold it back- something he's learned over his years in the rave scene with his littermate. He has a minor following as a music artist that focuses on hyperpop, metal, rock, and EDM, though the music he posts is not connected with his face in any sense. The only way it could be connected back to him is through someone recognizing his voice under the layers of autotune, which hasn't happened yet.  

He's typically found helping others with assorted tasks, being a great handyman along with the odd jobs he takes on. His favorite locations are the Wonderland Casino (despite never gambling) and Vellure Modeling Agency.

Toggle Spoiler
Chest always is flat with top scars, Genitalia is either a penis or a vag with a large t-dick. Exclusively Dominant top.
Participates in Non-Sexual Petplay (Owner), and Non-Sexual Bondage

Songs and Smokes

Category: Character Prompts

Meet Succubuns Music Lover, Jarlath.


Jarlath is a party bun, but unlike his littermate Xenos, he's a bit calmer about it. But while he won't be taking random drugs at any club he goes to, that doesn't mean that he can't get a bit rowdy whenever music is involved. It wouldn't be too surprising if buns with connections to more intense music have seen him around once or twice.

You may complete one of the following two prompts to receive a special trinket item for your succubun in accordance with your choice.

Option 1: Club Hopper
Jarlath is always looking for a new band to listen to, and he's bound to meet buns with similar habits while club and concert hopping. Unfortunately for some, Jarlath turns into a much more energetic and loud bun when he's around some good EDM and Rock music. Depict your bun meeting with Jarlath at a music concert or at a club. Do they click well, or is Jarlath a bit too intense for your bun's liking?

Rewards: Jarlath's Band Tee

Option 2: Hazy Stash
Jarlath is a big fan of smoking, and he has a huge stash of hazeblooms that'll last him all the way until next year- he's even willing to share some. Depict your bun smoking some leftover hazeblooms with Jarlath. Can your bun handle the high, or do they need a bit more help to get through it? Remember to mark your art/writing with a drug use warning if sharing on the discord or in the group gallery.

Rewards: Jarlath's Hazebloom Tray

These rewards go directly into your Succubun's inventory. Once your Succubun owns one of Jarlath's trinkets, they've got access to one of the best guides to music around Burrowgatory.



Reward Amount
Carats 0

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed