MYO-3697: Dr. Ripley Vexley

Owned by soueatsbones
PronounsShe/ Her
Age 35 Years Old  Bun Type Envy GenderFemale  Sexuality Pansexual  Voice ClaimLiz Gillies Height5' 3'' (152 cm)  Occupation Underground Doctor ThemeSong Link


Sarcastic · Blunt · Charming· Mysterious 

In the hidden depths of the inner city, a doctor with a serpentine cunning, an ironclad will, and an inventive mind operates with clinical precision, her ambition reaching far beyond the confines of her subterranean clinic. Her demeanor, an enigmatic blend of strategic brilliance and charismatic persuasion, marks her as a rising power, her every move calculated to establish a dominion not just in the shadows, but in the annals of greatness.

Her ambition is not to join the ranks of the powerful but to redefine them, to become an overlord in her own right, a figure revered not just in Burrowgatory but as a sovereign whose name would echo through the realms

Her god complex is no mere delusion of grandeur; it is a carefully crafted persona that demands respect and instills awe. Ripley's intellect is as sharp as the finest scalpel, dissecting problems and people with clinical precision. 


  • The scent of jasmine incense
  • Serpents  
  • Exclusive knowledge
  • Fine red wine
  • Solving complex puzzles
  • Rare antique medical instruments


  • Disloyalty 
  • Wasted potential 
  • Unpredictably and chaos 
  • Being underestimated and looked down upon 
  • Overly emotional displays or individuals who cannot control their feelings

✎Design Notes

Ripley is always seen smoking and her glasses are swirled and shined out most of the time. She would have her glasses off in rare cases in doll form. She always dressed in work attire unless she needs to be formal if the situation calls for. Her casual clothes would be a turtleneck and dress pants. 


  • Ripley is a femdom and very very rarely humors bottoming for anyone. She enjoys pegging her partners and manhandling them. 
  • She never changes her lower half and stays fully feminine presenting regardless of who she’s with sexually.
  • Ripley have shark like sharp teeth and bite down on her pipe if frustrated or annoyed causing it to crack from the force. 
  • Ripley, despite her sharp intellect and strategic prowess, often struggles to pick up on subtle social cues and nuances in interactions. Ripley's temper can flare up quickly, leading to explosive outbursts or displays of irritation because of it.
  • Despite her struggles with social cues, Ripley possesses a keen sense of observation and can quickly decipher power dynamics and hidden agendas at play in Burrowgatory.
  • Ripley's interactions with others are often hit by a directness that borders on bluntness. This straightforward approach can catch people off guard or cause misunderstandings.
  • Despite her struggles with social cues, Ripley possesses a keen sense of observation and can quickly decipher power dynamics and hidden agendas at play in Burrowgatory.
  • Ripley's impatience with inefficiency and incompetence extends to her work as a doctor, where she demands excellence and precision from herself and those around her.


 ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ Pest that she keeps around
The two crossed paths on a blind date set up by the church during Matentines. She saw him as a simple one night stand to never be seen again but alas the fellow doctor sadly got infatuated with Ripley even after Matentines was concluded. Ripley ultimately uses him to be her test dummy or any sexual itches she may have. He’s a pest but a useful one for now. 


♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ Rival

Huiyun is a enigmatic figure, blending a mischievous charm with a shrewd intellect and a penchant for theatrics. As an apothecary specializing in crafting hookahs, vapor drugs, and elixirs. Huiyun and Ripley's paths first crossed in the dimly lit alleys of Burrowgatory, where whispers of Huiyun's potent concoctions and bewitching allure reached Ripley's ears. Intrigued by the apothecary's reputation for crafting substances that could alter perceptions and desires, Ripley sought out Huiyun's hidden establishment, a den of smoke and shadows where the air was thick with the scent of exotic herbs and the promise of fleeting ecstasy.

Their initial encounter was marked by a clash of wills and a spark of mutual fascination, as Ripley recognized in Huiyun a kindred spirit—a rival whose cunning matched her own and whose enigmatic nature intrigued her. Huiyun, in turn, saw in Ripley a challenge and an opportunity, a succubun whose ambition burned as fiercely as her own, a rival whose very presence stirred a dangerous game of desire and power between them. There’s strange tension between the two that keep itching for the other but it’s probably nothing!

 ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ Business Informant
The two crossed paths from whispers of a little informant running around the blackmarket with valuable intel. Naturally Ripley went to find the blabber mouth on her side first to make life easier for her. They had a very brief sexual relationship but it ended in mutual terms and then back to business professionals.


 ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡  Useful Boy-toy
The two crossed paths on a blind date set up by the church during Matentines. For some odd reason. He was not off put by her morbid flirting but most likely was thinking was his dick at the moment. Ripley keep him close solely because his connections with the law and law system so he a useful asset. Easy to please whenever she need the law enforcement away or sexual itches. 


  ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ Assistant 
This stitched up zombie begged for a job since he was a big and pretty strong Ripley humor the thought. He pretty insatiable and gets either sedated or knocked out by Ripley for it. He’s a decent bodyguard and assistant until Ripley finds a better assistant but even though Klaus would cry and hug her leg to give him job back if she did so. 


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