MYO-3660: Bex

Owned by Mercess


  Bex   she/her    Greed Bun   Bisexual   Single   5'11   Money Lender / Loan Shark   Theme Song


ambitous · calculating · avaricious · disingenuous

Bex's main goal in life is to have as much money as possible, regardless of what she has to do to get it. Her main sources of income are shady money-lending and loan-sharking, but she'll also pick up odd jobs around if she thinks they'll be valuable enough. She approaches almost everything in her life like an opportunity to gain something. This can lead to her being manipulative at times. Because of this, she has very few genuine connections in her life. If someone trusts her, it's rare for her to reciprocate that trust.

She does have a soft spot for shy nerds or buns who are typically quiet but enthusiastically knowledgeable about something. On the strange occasion that she actually allows herself to like someone and spend time with them, Bex is very focused and devoted to that relationship. She's not monogamous or extremely possessive, but she does like to go above and beyond for those people.

Bex tailors her presentation and apparent personality to whatever she thinks she can use for personal gain. At her most relaxed, she's casual and quick to tease. She holds grudges extremely easily, but hides them just as well. There's a lot of complaining going on internally, but all of that is hidden under those layers of trying to be exactly what will net her the most carats.


  • Money
  • Phloofs
  • Getting the upper hand
  • Things going as planned


  • Surprises
  • Being seen
  • Manual labor for someone else
  • Ducks


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant
HTML by LeafJelly
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed
  • Please ask before breeding