MYO-354: Whim

Owned by Chaunter



Sleepy / Groggy / Blunt / Thoughtful
Whim most often presents as masc-leaning or androgynous.
Whim can be depicted with any bottom anatomy, most often flat-chested, with or without top scars.

Whim can be drawn with anyone, any gender / presentation, and both SFW & NSFW are ok once he has his doll form approved!
(Please read under spoiler for more information before drawing nsfw)

He's just a really sleepy guy lol His favorite hobbies include; napping, sleeping, snoozing, etc. His biggest investment; his premo mattress and bedding that is so soft and fluffy and airy and comfy that it's almost impossible to want to get out of it once you're in it. Whim isn't much of a cuddler himself as he prefers to sleep on his stomach or back most of the time (occasional starfish?), but he doesn't have any problems with other people cuddling up to him if they want to, either friends or friend of friends or even just acquaintences that he's on good terms, anyone is welcome to join him for a nice cozy midday nap if they'd like to, his comfy bed is always open. <3 

Whim has a bit of a hard time making new friends due to the fact that if he's out and about or engaging in an activity for too long (4+ hours), he will definitely reach a point where he's nodding off or falling asleep, even if it's going well and he's having a great time, which others often find rude. But Whim is lucky to have a small group of close friends who understand his struggles and are happy to accommodate his needs just as he's happy to accommodate theirs as much as is within his abilities to do so. And those that know him best know that though he's often very blunt and to the point, he's very sweet and caring and extremely thoughtful. Despite his tendancy to fall asleep, often mid-conversation / game / task, he's a very good listener, and when he's awake he has a great memory for remembering when someone mentions something they like, even if it's just as a passing comment, making him a great gift giver. <3

Most of the time, Whim is content in his life. He knows his limits and he knows what he is and is not capable of doing and how best to accomodate his own needs, but living with hypersomnia does come with challenges and he does occasionally have a particularly bad day here and there, and he's very gratful that he has some really good friends that are happy be a shoulder to cry on when he needs it. (Bad days are very few and far between and are most often triggered by 'small' things, such as accidentally sleeping through an event or missing a meet up with a new friend because he didn't wake up to his alarm.)


He's a very sleepy guy in general and that doesn't change about him during sex. He doesn't like being woken up from his naps for much but being woken up for sex is one of the things he's often excited to be woken up for. With his closer / more intimate partners, he very much enjoys lazy, sleepy, snuggly sex. Like the kind that is just about making eachother feel good and being close and intimate and not necessarily about just about finishing. (If they do then great, but if they don't that's ok too!) Otherwise, Whim is definitely a pillow princess and can be a bit bratty in bed at times. He'll ride his partners on rare occasions but his stamina is very low and he usually ends up tapping out fairly quickly, whining with the request to change positions soon after starting because he's worn out already. With FWBs and casual hook-ups, Whim vibes best with partners that keeps him very actively engaged, be that in the form of changing positions frequently, using toys (especially vibrators), or with the occasional light spanking, etc. With the right partner, Whim also has a talent for being able to slip into subspace very quickly, and he really loves when he's able to find a partner that's able to do that for him. 

Whim does not enjoy shibari or any other type of heavy restraint / bondage gear. He's ok with his partner(s) holding him in place with their hands for short periods, but anything else makes him feel severly claustrophobic. 

Though I may ocassionally portray his doll in other ways, for adult themed gift art / commissions from others, I would prefer for Whim to be portrayed as either cis or post-op trans masc with a slim / androgynous leaning body type, unless otherwise requested. If he's portrayed as cis masc, his dick is most often on the smaller side of average, but can be portrayed anywhere within the range of small to average. 

  • Please ask before gift art
  • Gift writing is allowed