MYO-3489: Jubilee

Owned by Presidentprince



Meet Jubilee, a captivating succubun who spends her days spreading cheer and charm through the unique realm of burrowgatory. With an inherent trust in others, she exudes a warm and friendly energy that she skillfully wields to satisfy herinsatiable hunger for delight.

In her bunny days, Jubilee reveled in a life of indulgence, combining hearty feasts with vigorous activities to burn off boundless energy. However, with the blossoming of her doll form, she experiences a shift, becoming more drowsy and ravenous than energetic.
Jubilee's charisma is her secret weapon, as she navigates her dual existence with a captivating blend of friendliness and charm. While her insatiable appetite adds complexity to her character, it also serves as a driving force, shaping her interactions and experiences in this intriguing world.
Get ready to embark on a journey with Jubilee as she weaves her warm, energetic presence through the burrowguatory, leaving a trail of enchantment and curiosity in her wake.
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