MYO-330: Nocturne

Owned by Roroko
🌃 Nocturne 🌃
Age ~Early 20s
Height 5’11”
Gender Nonbinary (He/They)
Orientation Bi
NSFW? Yes (Vers/Switch)
Relationships? Yes
Breeding? Yes
Detailed Profile WIP

It’s always interesting to witness how two succubun raised by the same demon can turn out completely different; Nocturne and Adagio are one such instance. The child of Adagio, Nocturne was claimed as the demon Marchosias’ property long before he was born. While still regarded as a pet project, he was given the same liberties as his parent, yet somehow…grew up to be completely different. While they both developed the same unbridled love for music, Nocturne was not so eager to wriggle his way into his master’s good graces, content to live the easy life that had been handed to him. Never left wanting as a child, he grew complacent, and the velvety sloth horns that soon grew upon the crown of his head would forever characterize him as lazy and uninspired in the eyes of his father. Yet despite Adagio’s harsh words, he was anything but.

Just as melodiously gifted as their parent, Nocturne is a natural at playing just about any instrument, though his musical prowess shines through the brightest once he’s on the piano or cello. His relaxed nature has hidden his intense fervor for music well, and it’s easy to mistake him for a man possessed once he’s in his element.

Due to Marchosias’ own mannerisms, Nocturne can be rather flippant, and greatly enjoys teasing people—for better or worse. Sometimes his teasing borders on cruelty, but he’ll always back off if told to, and sometimes he even has the manners to apologize, too…and unlike his father, he’ll readily indulge in his vices with fellow buns.

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