MYO-3249: Chocolatine

Owned by Pooch

Chocolatine is an unfortunate soul, pretty and cute as he may be, he was quickly pulled into a situation that became much too big for him to handle. In love with another bun he found comfort in their arms and safety, he could live his days lazily and fully depend on them taking care of him. It was all good till that bun left and with them revealed a debt they had maid in Chocolatine’s name to the bun-kuza. He had nowhere to go and hiding wasn’t an option, so he had to begrudgingly pick up a job as a professional cuddler to make ends meet and to pay off his debt.

While he is great at his job and he earns well, he has a tendency to be rude to customers and talk down to them. He doesn’t view them nicely and see them as people who just can’t find others in real life to sate their needs, so instead they choose to pay for it. To him the rudeness is a way to give his customers a wake up call and make them start seeking out real relationships over fake ones… though most of the time he fails and people get an affinity for the angry plush bun.

It’s not that he hates his job or the things he has to do, he just dislikes the natural way that bonds form between people, he is just a worker to them, assigned to do a task. None of it is genuine. Yet despite his harsh words, his actions stay gentle, and he still tries to accommodate the people that hire his services. He is however always happy with those real relationships he has formed over the years and treasure those people greatly.

May he one day get rid of the debt and earn his freedom, sadly the road is long and he has a long way to go still if he wants to get free


Preferred food? Chocolate cake.

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