MYO-3200: Dyster

Owned by Pooch

A happy glutton, at least most of the time. He started out being on a rough path when he first got into Burrowgatory, separated from his twin brother and dragged into a gang. He spent a good time trying to escape it and reconnect with his sibling and once he did he cut all ties… or as many as he could to his previous affiliations.

Dyster has a gentle aura to him, but it is something that can drop quickly when people act a certain way. Get too pushy or try to mess with his sibling or other buns he cares for. While he has done his best to try and shred his past self behind him, he still have a tendency to use intimidation and physical threats to put people into place… he is not shy about using his favorite bat if he has to.

In his free time he spends most of his time exploring Burrowgatory and looking for abandoned buildings he can vandalize for fun. Doing it either with or without his brother. He finds it to be a nice outlet for himself to use instead of letting things build up and fester in his life.  He also likes going to buffets and eating himself full with all the place allows him until he is either kicked out or completely full.

He currently works as a logistics coordinator, not the most interesting job, but something that pulls in some okay food money and keeps him out of trouble.


Favorite food… is everything an option?

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