MYO-315: Tiny

Owned by SneaselSupremacy

2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-3239

@Yuukitsune has permission to breed this succubun.*


A bit of a shy bun, Tiny tends to keep to herself and her books unless spoken to. She's often lost in her own little world, thinking of things she's read or imagining up her own stories. Her hope is to one day be a writer - she's not quite there yet, though. Her biggest issue is that she keeps falling asleep while thinking up her stories, and forgets to ever write a single word...

She's a terrible romantic after reading too many stories, so any skilled flirt could sweet talk her into a fun time. Not that she minds! She's just a bit too shy to initiate proceedings on her own. Despite being shy, she's not easily embarrassed and is willing to try things that would make other buns blush.

Her key motivator is that she greatly enjoys serving others and making them happy - whether in the bedroom, or just in general life. While she's keen on praise, it's the acts of service that she performs which make her happiest. Sometimes she's a little too eager, though, and tries to do stuff outside of her abilities to please others. Ah, but everyone has their faults.

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