MYO-3130: Marcie

Owned by pinkprimarina
Full Name: Marcie McNamara
Mar-see  |  Mack-nah-meh-rah
Species: Succubun (closed species)
Gender: Cis F Sin: Lust
Pronouns: she/her Height: 5'2"
Orientation: Bisexual (M Pref) Weight: 150 lb
Alignment: Neutral Birthday: TBA
Flavor/Scent: Rosewater & Vanilla Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Voice Claim: TBA d53u0rz-c033c0cf-41fa-4e7e-ba20-870a8566b78f.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzRjNzkyMjZjLTg5NjctNDU3NS1hNTE1LTlmMGY4MDk5M2NlMVwvZDUzdTByei1jMDMzYzBjZi00MWZhLTRlN2UtYmEyMC04NzBhODU2NmI3OGYuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.kSrfYZKoOQsmw9aBzmYLCAu7N6x5Dt7OPO4NoJHwA_IPinterest Board

 "Hopeless girl is seeking 
Someone who will share this feeling 
I'm a fool, a fool for love 
A fool for love

Job / Occupation
  • Romance / erotica book author

sweet  |  shy  |  intelligent  |  introverted  |  sensitive  |  loyal

  • she's a sweet little thing, but she's actually super kinky
    • a hopeless romantic, loves all the hearts and flowers and chocolates and sweet nothings whispered in her ear. but also wants the nastiest freakiest sex you can imagine
  • very booksmart and knowledgeable about various books, English, writing, grammar, history
    • stores a lot of niche and relatively useless knowledge in that big brain of hers lmao. usually its only useful for her books, but sometimes it comes in handy though for real life scenarios! 
  • is sensitive, emotional, and cries very easily - tears up at happy things and sad things!
  • she's a homebody and rarely ventures out unless she needs something. she needs an extroverted bun to be her friend to help drag her out of her shell! 
    • she's very loyal and will do anything for anyone who takes the time to get to know her and be her friend

More Info
  • Writing
    • she writes multiple genres, from sweet harlequin romance with happily ever afters to really kinky monsterfucking
      • she writes the more kinky things under a pseudonym
    • she would love to be part of different book clubs and author circles! 
  • Health / Wellness
    • has terrible eyesight, but does own contacts that she rarely wears
    • she's pretty lazy activity-wise but likes to do pilates or yoga as a form of exercise
    • is a vegetarian
  • Home
    • her home is like a cross between light academia and cottagecore 
    • has huge floor to ceiling bookshelves and a dedicated reading nook
  • Favorite Food: toffee chocolates
    • has a HUGE sweet tooth
This or That
  • Early Bird or Night Owl: early bird!
  • Homemade Gifts vs Storebought: prefers homemade gifts or anything thoughtful over something expensive
  • Flowers or Chocolates: both!! 
✔ writing
✔ cute stationary
✔ romance media
✔ feminine fashion
✔ ribbons/bows
✘ horror movies
✘ hard liquor
✘ heights


  • Doll Form: curvy, hourglass shape, thicker thighs
    • She has a small beauty mark on her chin
    • wears round rimmed glasses!
  • Horns: heart shaped horns
  • Eyes: green with heart pupils
  • Hair: straight and long (to lower back), bangs
  • Outfits: (see pinterest board for examples)
    • white cashmere sweater, pink skirt
    • striped socks
    • light pink lingerie

❤ SHIPPING STATUS: Open for ships! (message me)

❤ Shipping Info:
  • Love Language (how they give love to a partner): physical touch, words of affirmation
  • Partner Preferences
    • a dominant partner, either a soft dom or a hard dom would be fine as long as they give some praise!
      • perhaps a dom like the ones she continuously writes about?
    • other authors or book lovers!
    • flirty extroverts
  • very easily flustered by others flirting with her or otherwise being sweet on her
  • she's really big on physical affection and is very clingy with her partners
  • Jealousy: she does not get jealous
  • Horny: veeeerrryyy horny. see Nsfw section below for details.
  • PDA: she'd be too shy for kisses or a lot of affection in public, but she likes to hold hands and cling onto her partner's arms. 
  • Relationship dynamic: submissive, bottom
  • Kinks: rope bunny, PRAISE***, some degradation, bdsm, toys, overstimulation***, edging***, rough sex / rough handling, being bitten, exhibitionism, collars/leash
    • likes to be dominated and is putty in the hands of an experienced dom
    • LIVES for the praise!! will do anything to receive praise from her partner
    • really into being tied up and put on display for her dom or for others. a bonus if toys are involved.
      • would also be into being 'free use' for whatever buns or demons want to take a turn, as long as she receives praise for being a good little cocksleeve. 614278474018062398.webp?size=128&quality=lossless
    • she's cute when she begs. make her beg.
    • she'd be a great cockwarmer :^)
  • would be so into recreating some of the scenes from her books
  • Favorite Position: face down ass up or mating press

Code by pinkprimarina (WYSIWYG friendly)

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing