MYO-3107: Drimi

Owned by SevenDeadlyBards

2024 Breeding Partner: 
Dicti-tm has permission to breed this succubun.*


Sultry, friendly, easy-going, and languid, Drimi might put you, at first glance, in mind of a deep ocean on a calm day. The heavy-lidded bedroom-eyes look she often wears might even make her seem a bit dull or slow to the unsuspecting, but like that deep ocean, Drimi has hidden depths- with some freaky-deaky surprises lurking there! She likes to take it easy but with those she trusts she really lets her hair down. This lust bun indulges her favorite vice with anybody she feels a connection with, and with her free-and-easy spirit it doesn't take much more than being kind, maybe sharing a cool fact or making her laugh a time or two, to intrigue her. 

She is a sensual creature in every sense of the word (pun intended), and enjoys moving her body and indulging it with nice food and drink and soft fabric. She learns anything that seems like she could use it to her advantage to appear sexy because she loves to feel sexy, so she can swim very well, dances several styles of dance with surprising flexibility and grace for someone who is a little on the short side and VERY on the heavy side, and even learned fencing because Julie D'aubigny did it and "she was really hot." She is not as good at fencing as she is at dancing, but she makes up for it by playing up the rakish persona of a dashing fencer whenever she does it (and, let's face it, flirting shamelessly with her teacher). 

Drimi is of average intelligence- no dummy by any means but rarely the smartest in the room either. However, her emotional intelligence is quite high and she's empathetic nearly to a fault. She enjoys making others feel good as much as she enjoys swimming naked and imagining herself as some kind of demonic woodland princess-- so, A LOT. While she's absolutely not above seducing someone to lift their spirits, she's also just a very good listener. And a hug slut. Be wary of getting lost in her cleavage. She will hug anyone, anything, anywhere, anytime. If it seems friendly, sad, or soft, she will press it to her considerable bosom and squeeze it gently and lovingly, but firmly. 

All that said, she does spend a lot of time in bun form, because she really likes how fur feels. And the little tap-tap of her hooves. 

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