MYO-3057: Anya

Owned by SunSalute


Angora’s DeckHutch’s CageShibani’s Rope


(Ah-Nya) . She/They


2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-2609
flowerknight has permission to breed this succubun.


Anya is a greedy little bun that can be found scavenging through both the run-down and abandoned areas of the inner city and the wild outskirts. As a nomad, she travels light - but her penchant for collecting trinkets and souvenirs is unstoppable, so she has many little hidey holes stashed away to keep her beloved collections safe.

Anya will sometimes pick up odd bar shifts or delivery shifts, but she never stays long, because she doesn't always check that the place she's scavenging from is actually abandoned...


Occupation: guide for the Burrowgatory outskirts;  selling scavenged trinkets; odd jobs

Hobbies: visiting museums and old buildings, rock climbing, lovin' Cerise, gambling away any carats she acquires


Likes: sentimental objects, bun-watching, seeing little imps go about their business, adventuring, jumpscaring people and then acting totally aloof like she isn't having a fantastic time, gambling (a little too much)


Dislikes: big meanie buns that demand she pay back what she owes them, being told she's actually kind of an asshole



- switches between bratty sub and soft dom

- either wants to give up total control and be spanked into submission or dote on their partner



- Cerise: Anya's not sure what they are, but she brings Cerise pretty trinkets she finds and Cerise smooches her in return - so whatever it is, they have a pretty good thing going.

- Lapis: Anya is staying away from Lapis, who keeps coming after her to demand Anya pay her debts, and smells bad anyway >:(


Design Tips


  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed