MYO-3056: Daisuke

Owned by RyBreadable

2024 breeding partner: BUN-022

@/biinarysttars has permission to breed this bun


A smiling assassin whose smug smile doesn't quite reach his eyes, Daisuke almost seems to live to cause chaos to those unfortunate enough to be around him. He desires nothing more than to turn the people around him on each other, spreading false whispers, insulting with a smile on his face, and watching the carnage from the sidelines.
And he knows well he can get away with it too, an oh so innocent smile and a one man play is all he needs to convince others he really never intended for this to happen!

Interpersonal relationships are far and few between cause of his difficult personality, he never really makes it past insulting them to their face and those that stick around he doesn't ever really open up to, nor do the insults ever stop, but they stop having a bite to them. What they will earn is his loyalty though, he'll help them in his own way but never admit that he enjoys their company or presence in his life.

Male (he/him pronouns)

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