MYO-305: Hikaru

Owned by ethereal-requiem

2024 breeding partner: MYO-1551. Yuui has permission to breed this succubun.

Hikaru is a webcomic artist working on his own romance story loosely based on his own love life.  Although he has a tendency to be a bit lazy, he always manages to make deadlines on time.  He yearns for true love after hearing of the concept from demons visiting Burrowgatory.
In order to gain some much needed funds on the side, he does fortunetelling in a little shop behind his home. Hikaru has an odd ability to accurately tell details of future events to his clients. His intuition is abnormally accurate. He can locate lost items, people, or even warn them of dangers lurking. He doesn't really know how he does this. Perhaps it's the ancient instinct of the rabbits succubuns originated from. At this point he's just glad to have an additional source of income.
His health is not the best. He suffers from frequent bouts of anemia. His bad habits and poor meal choices (or forgetting when he's in the zone drawing) often make this worse. Hikaru will revert to his bun form in order to avoid fully showing how ill he feels. This makes his illness obvious as he likes to spend all his time in his doll form.  If one were to find him in bun form, it would definitely be a red flag for him not feeling well.
Imps are also drawn to Hikaru. He often finds those who are abandoned or somehow lonely and take them in. He has a particular fondness for sceil as he feels they are often the most misunderstood. He rehabilitates those imps in his care with the goal of rehoming them but ends up loving them too much and keeping them with him instead. 
His most notable imps:
  • Hana the pink erose- the leader and his first imp. Basically the mama bear of his imps. Hana has a crush on Sukiko the lovedrunk erose. Both of them are very protective of Hikaru.  Dislikes Lee the most out of Hikaru's imps.
  • Yue the bimble- his 3rd imp and probably the most chill of the menagerie. Yue often carries Mochi the egghel around in some improvised way.  Yue is the only imp to genuinely like Lee.
  • Sukiko the lovedrunk erose- has a crush on Hana and is always around them.  Protective of Hikaru.
  • Riri the baby sceil-  Riri is a baby in both attitude and form. Riri loves to be near Hikaru, often hiding in his clothing. 
  • Koi the pink corvat- Always chattering around Hikaru, Koi is pretty friendly. Often helps carry Mochi the egghel.
  • Mochi the pink egghel- the little egghel has a big personality and often wants to be in the middle of whatever is happening.  The little egghel is shy with new people and imps at first, but it pretty quick to open up once seeing buns/imps are kind. Mochi is often carried by Hikaru's other imps since egghel aren't able to move as freely. 
  • Yuri the white erose- Yuri was found lost, a pink erose at the time. Hikaru was unable to locate Yuri's former owner and has become close with the gentle erose.  Hikaru found Yuri munching on a mitatrashi dango one night and could not stop the imp from changing color. Yuri was the one to explain bun love to the other imps. They no longer try to drive Lee away now as they recognize Hikaru loves him. They still have a dislike of Lee but have chosen not to attack him anymore.
  • Amai the lovedrunk sceil- often napping in Hikaru's clothes with Riri. Amai is also oddly cuddly for a sceil. 
  • Matcha the blooming sceil- often more friendly than other sceil. Matcha loves to meet new buns and imps. Matcha often ends up coiling up close to Hikaru around his arm or on his head.
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