MYO-3003: Hyouga

Owned by Pooch

Hyouga is a proud lust bun who carries himself with an air of confidence and indifference to most things going around him. He is a calm man who often spends his time cozying up with other buns, not necessarily in an intimate way. He knows what he wants and he is not one to give himself up to just any offer put on the table, knowing full well that a better offer can always be found around the corner. He enjoys the chase and those who stand out from the crowd, buns who put their words into actions.

Hyouga works as a bouncer at a night club where the rules are a bit loose on what is allowed inside. He is therefore not a stranger to proposals of intimacy and raunchy encounters, while he might have been weak to those in his younger years, they no longer really phase him much, instead he just shrugs them off. It is the same reason why his coworkers and boss rely a lot on him, he knows how to keep his head cool and not let the lust sway his decision making.

Close to few but loyal to those he deem worthy, not one to slip up or let things falter have they already garnered his interest. He makes sure they are always taken care of and is one to happily provide them with the affection and respect they deserve. While making him your enemy is hard, it is not impossible, but few seem to make it to his bad list.

Hyouga is a lust bun at the core, while he might not be jumping at every opportunity for intimacy, he still likes to flirt and play the game. One to gladly mess with anyone that piques his interest even the slightest, doesn’t mean they can get him into bed, but it’s always worth a shot.


Favorite food? Tofu donburi and his favorite drink is rum.

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