MYO-2949: Hex Curio

Owned by soueatsbones


IchigoWhiskey has permission to breed this bun

Nicknames None Pronouns He/Him Age 25 Years Old Bun Type Lust Gender Male Sexuality Pansexual Status Taken Voice Claim Link Height 5' 0'' (152cm) Occupation Carnival Illusionist Theme Song Link

Hex CUrio

eccentric · theatrical · charming · mysterious

In the subterranean glow of Burrowgatory, among the throngs of vice-ridden rabbit descendants, there was one who would come to be known as the paragon of their kind—a baby bun with a glint of mischief in his eye and a precocious charm that belied his tender years. This little one was different, not content with simply frolicking in the darkened tunnels; he was observant, with a quick wit that stood out even in infancy. His life took a fateful turn when a certain demon, the orchestrator of chaos and conductor of the carnival, noticed the peculiar bun. This ringleader, a connoisseur of corruption and spectacle, saw more than a mere succubun before him. In the infant's impish demeanor, the demon glimpsed the makings of a star that could outshine the very allure of hell itself. The ringleader took the young one under his wing, and as the bun grew, so too did his talents. The demon instilled in him the art of performance, teaching him to harness his innate allure and pair it with a razor-sharp intellect. The two were an unlikely duo: the demon, a seasoned maestro of manipulation and control, and the bun, who would flourish into a charismatic enigma, capable of captivating even the most dispassionate of onlookers. As the bun matured, his personality blossomed into a complex tapestry—part trickster, part seducer, all wrapped in a charismatic veneer. He was a creature of contrasts: as calculating as he was carefree, as enigmatic as he was exuberant. His performances were masterclasses in duality, each show a delicate dance between light-hearted mischief and dark, strategic depth.

Hex Curio is a charismatic performer, adept at weaving illusions and swindling the masses with a showman's flair and a mischievous smile that promises both danger and delight. With a penchant for illusion and a flair for the dramatic, he weaves captivating narratives that lure unsuspecting patrons into his web of deception, leaving them spellbound by his mesmerizing performances and cunning ploys. Despite his enigmatic and eccentric nature, Hex exudes an aura of whimsical charm, effortlessly captivating those around him with his infectious enthusiasm for the surreal and the extraordinary, all while harboring a shadowy and enigmatic past that fuels his insatiable thirst for the mysterious.


  • Collecting odd and peculiar items
  • Dramatic storytelling
  • Unraveling mysteries and uncovering secrets
  • Blackmail
  •  Crafting elaborate schemes and cons
  • Applause of the crowd


  • Overly serious or rigid individuals
  • Mudane and predictable routines
  • Being taken for a fool
  • Loud and disruptive interruptions during his performances
  • Being questioned
  • Bested by others

✎Design Notes

His style choices are similar to Kuma Moriya. Very into halloween Harajuku with creepy cute style for his doll form


  • His pastime is to craft intricate illusions and sleight of hand tricks.
  • He possesses a peculiar fascination with rare and enigmatic items to add to his evergrowing collection.
  • He has a soft spot for the underdog and often devises elaborate schemes to outsmart those who would seek to exploit the vulnerable.
  • Despite his penchant for mischief, Hex harbors a deep-seated sense of honor and loyalty to those he deems worthy of his trust.
  • Hex is known for his fondness for riddles and puzzles, often leaving cryptic messages for his friends and colleagues to decipher. 


Victor Astaire
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Rival & Boyfriend

Hex loves getting under Victor's skin calling him second place and trash talking his circus and staff a lot. He believes his carnival is better than a two bit circus and off try to sway his workers to the carnival a lot. The two butt heads a lot and accidentally get too heated where they kiss out of impulse or more.

Hex still denying the fact he fell for second place and reeling back even sleeping with him. They have a very complicated relationship that the illusionist coming terms with. 

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  Crush

Hex finds Thomas very attractive and interesting regardless of his interest and like for scaring people. He thinks Thomas can be rather cute when he acts shy or eager when Hex challenges him with silly trivia for rewards.

Character Name
♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ Relationship Type
Pronouns Age

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