MYO-2946: Piros

Owned by Champurrito

HE / THEY | Nonbinary | Demiromantic - Asexual
Quiet | Introverted | Too direct and sometimes sarcastic | Loves cold weather

Piros has lived most of his life in the coldest forests of the Burrowgatory. While he prefers a secluded life, he has no problem engaging in conversation with other buns.

A bun of few words, but with a good set of ears to lend whenever anyone has a problem. It doesn't mean he has any knowledge to help resolve it though.
Due to his low socialization skills and short, direct replies, he can be interpreted as a bit rude. Sarcasm is also not rare to him: he will make sarcastic remarks in a light-hearted way when the moment is right. His flat tone has created misunderstandings in the past though.
He might not be the best match for socially anxious buns to interact with for these same reasons.

Background and lifestyle:

When he was a baby bun, he was raised by a frost demon that gave more attention to more energetic, talkative buns. As he grew up while in their care, Piros found himself feeling envious of those that had an easier way to words. However, he also grew accostumed to solitude and silence and found solace in it.

Once he was introduced to the Burrowgatory, he retrieved to the quieter outskirts of the city, and later moving to the comforting colder zones.
Piros now lives in a quiet cabin in a never-ending winter forest with his pet freign (which he simply refers to as “Freign”). While the place is silent and out-of-reach to most buns, it is not as disconnected from others. A nearby town can be found after a few hours walk, which is really convenient whenever his supplies run low. For a living, he provides foraged goods and firewood to the locals.

Relationships (still wip):

  • Jackal: Friends. She was the first bun he came in contact with after his arrival to the intimidating, bustling life of the Burrowgatory. She is the bun Piros goes to whenever he has any city question or a bun-lifestyle dilemma.
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