MYO-2871: Severin

Owned by Pooch

Severin is an up and coming tailor still trying to make his own mark on the world. He still tries his best to study the fabrics and the way they work and fit on models as he uses his knowledge to make clothing that accentuates the body of the wearer of his own designs. He is still not confident enough to call himself a professional, but he does small projects here and there until he feels ready to flaunt his skills properly.

His lust plays into his desire to appreciate and showcase the body of any model and buyer that comes into his studio. Wanting to make something that appeals to the one observing the wearer of his clothing… and if he is lucky he gets to have his own taste of the one that flaunts his wares. Keeping it as professional as he can while still sating those desires that build inside of him when watching someone extraordinary.

His dream is to be able to create outfits that will help any bun get the attention of the one they truly desire, make their target fall for them and be completely smitten and captivated. Like a love potion, but wearable.

He glistens and shines with confidence, fur and hair always perfectly combed and always keeping himself in check. Wanting nothing more than to make sure that he gives his customers the feeling they are in safe hands and he will take good care of them.


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