MYO-2867: Limon

Owned by Limi

The Citrusy Cream Parlor is a cozy place to be at whether it be a quiet time or bustling with customers.

Limon upon hearing the dinging of the door bell announcing your presence, look up and smile brightly



Limon is an owner for Citrusy Cream Parlor where she serves ice cream, sherbet, sorbet, gelato, and frozen yogurt plus frozen/cold sweets. Limon is always experimenting on flavours and serve abysmal number of offerings in various forms. She takes great pride in her flavours and she often has business partners where she either is supplied ingredients or supply her treats.

Limon is rather cheerful and can be rather spunky. She's also airhead and bubbly bimbo who's extremely clumsy. She has a bit of temper and is absolutely NOT afraid to jab her ear spikes into someone's side as she forcefully march them out of her business. She won't hesitate to do the same if she's at Daily Grind and trouble's brewing. This adorable citrusy gal is always up for making connections no matter who it's with. She does have some basic medical knowledge due to her clumsiness plus working in kitchen which often lead to accidents.
Her hobbies involves being in kitchen, having some night fun, and she's picked up martial arts through several studios.
Her vice Lust largely presents in her NSFW activities..

She stands at a short height of 5'3" and present as female. Her identity is pansexual. Their fashion style tend to be more sexy and beach-like. When she is out clubbing she usually don't wear any tops, or sheer tops or some mix. Jewelry is always changing and she has no particular preferences in types of metals. Her hair is short and curly. Her ears are curled but when let down reach her elbows. Her ears has darker shade striping going through them, usually look like swirls when in curled style. Her horns has the citrus appearance to them.









Limon is highly sexual bun who love to go out and have fun. Her preferred genitals are vagina but she does use dick from time to time. Through she does have a bit of complicated feelings regarding that.
She leans slightly bottom/sub however she absolutely can dominate and top. It is not often that she gets in the mood to top with her dick.

Polyamorous and up for friends with benefits as well as fuck buddies. She's exhibitionist and like to watch others have fun. Aphrodisiacs is an ongoing research at her parlor. She has oral fixation, loves being restrained, denials and overstimulation. Go down on her with Devil's Tongue and she'll be putty in your hands.
She does lot of amateur porn videos at the clubs she attends as well as assists Harley with showcasing the products. She LOVES her body being worshipped. Food play is absolutely the best way to go. Feeding her in a sexual way, eating the sweets off her (ok honestly she's good to eat off her sex buddy's body but she get off more when its hers) body, and use aphrodisiacs.
She hates receiving anal but will give them out with pleasure.


Bun art: OK!
Doll art: Yes!
Interactions/group art: Limon LOVES interactions!!
Writing: OK! I can be DMed to answer questions if the information in this profile isn't sufficient!

  Outfit changes!
  Random interactions

  Drugs usage
  Excessive violence(DM regarding spars/fights!), degradation



Argus - Boyfriend


They first met on a Matentines date that had a rather steamy ending. Limon stops by The Bull's Horns frequently to visit Argus as well as to participate to take some edge off if she's had a rough day. Argus often flusters her with surprise actions that has Limon making adorable noises. Limon however do spoil Argus with large amount of food, enough to feed several gluttons. Their sex life is active; often having her FWB/Argus' boyfriend Bram getting involved.


Ione - Best Friends & Litter Mates


Best friends with Ione since they were littermates. Both started their businesses together and often conduct collaborations with their products often. Been through a lot together through thick and thin. Limon takes every advantage possible to speak of her sexual escapades to Ione without having them yell at her to shut up due to their disinterest in the matters of sex. She's one of very few Ione will allow to be physically affectionate and to call out on bullshit. As much as Ione puts up with her cheerful yet ditzy demeanour, Limon also puts up with their quiet and grumpy demeanour. Limon can be seen at Daily Grind giving Ione a hand when there is a staff shortage or enjoying a hot drink and lovely homemade meal. Limon often find delight in flirting with her long-time best friend, trying to fluster them but Ione is far too used to her antics.


Nori - Litter Mates & Friends With Benefits


Close friends with Nori since they were littermates with frequent (as possible due to Nori being a hermit and Limon's busy schedule) occurrences of getting into trouble together much to Ione's chagrin. They still keep in frequent touch in Burrowgatory with Limon often crashing at his tent for both pleasure and pleasure reasons. She spoils him in homemade food, often dropping off few types that will last several days for him. Limon often has to take few days off when it come to visiting him.


Bram - Litter Mates & Friends With Benefits


Bram and Limon were in the same litter together, when Limon wasn't off getting in trouble with Nori or agitating Ione to point of tears; she was often by Bram's side offering comfort in form of her ears for Bram to suck on. They lost contact when they got to Burrowgatory as Limon was getting into trouble with her mischief. Much to everyone's relief, they finally reconnected. Bram's greedy vice can be too much but Limon is patient and puts up with it with much amusement. They are often with Argus having fun together when Limon's not busy with her work or other hobbies.


Varrik Rurikovich - Friends with Benefits & Sparring Partners


Limon bounced around several martial arts studios before settling with Varrik as her instructor. They became good friends rather quickly and spar frequently. The spars very frequently lead to sexy times. The aftercare is always the best with lot of snuggles. There are often food involved afterwards which is swiftly demolished by Varrik much to Limon's amusement. Limon often stop by The Pit to watch Varrik partake in the fighting. Limon is aware of Varrik's relationship with her closest friend and there's no sour feelings between them. Limon is aware of Varrik's jealousy/protective streak toward Ione and set the same boundaries as Ione at her parlor.


Teddy - Friends With Benefits


Limon met Teddy one pre-Matentines season when her hormones was spiking so high it was affecting her libido and she had no idea what was happening but desperate in need she found Teddy's clinic. Teddy agreed to help her after getting over his shock of what was happening especially when he knew Limon for her online porn videos. They did not meet up again for several weeks as there was deliberate intervention from the receptionist that stopped them from keeping in touch. When they met up, they exchanged phone numbers and has been in touch ever since with frequent time spent together.


Damien - Friends with Benefits™


Friends for long time, probably since early days of Burrowgatory. Helped each other start their businesses up. Often spend time together when Limon is indulging in her sinful vice. The pair were past lovers and from time to time have some fun. Friends with benefits if you will. Limon do supply several of her cold sweets to his private parties and clubs. Absolutely share gossip together. Most of the time anyways. They often trade friendly banter at the other's expense. Damien refuses to admit it but he find fun in pestering Limon and she puts up with his bullshit a lot.


Feleli - Friends with Benefits


They were not originally friends at first as they barely ran into similar circles but with enough encounters at sex and night clubs, they became fast friends especially when it concerned Damien. Together they're able to torment him and they find delight in it. Limon does go to Feleli from time to time for accessories mainly but she has requested clothes from him. They are friends with benefits with Limon having her way in tormenting Feleli, or the pair tag team a dom top.


Melodie Clae - It's Complicated™


Melodie and Limon met through a blind date and hit it off quickly. Being two lust buns, they of course spent the night together. Limon has come by to share her sweets with Melodie, and Melodie has stopped by her parlor from time to time. She's aware of Melodie's crush on her and finds it adorable. Limon may or may not reciprocate the feelings; she is not sure yet. At the moment neither has really defined their relationship apart from they enjoy the other's company and has sex from time to time. Basically It's A Situationship.


Azrael - Acquaintances(kinda?)


Azrael made quite the first impression on Limon by swiping some sweets that she had brought with her during her first visit to The Pit. She quickly learned that he had a way of communicating, had medical knowledge and incredible sweet tooth. They fell into a simple rapport depending on where they'd be at. If at her parlor; she tended to be flirty and it'd shoot her down. There is always a quiet table near back for Azrael to use during visits at quiet hours as well as one of very few she'll allow in after hours. At The Pit it was firmly business.


Rocket - Friends with Benefits & Business Partners (kinda)


Rocket and Limon get on fabulously with their shared love for ice cream. Limon know of Rocket's ice cream truck and supplies few selection to him. Limon does look the other way when it come to Rocket's side gig as assassin especially with poisons as his method of choice. As long as poison is provided, Limon will mix up specialized batches for him to use. Rocket's frequent visitor at her parlor and one of few allowed to stay afterhours. Friends with benefits and often get flirty with each other but usually nothing overly serious.


Lazarus - Friends (kinda?)


Lazarus is one of few Limon will allow to stay after hours at her parlor as the scientist is a night owl and prefers the quiet space to get his fill of sweets as well as quiet studying. They also can be seen spending time together discussing food recipes, flavours for her parlor and experimenting together. Through Limon won't hesitate to brandish a whisk should Lazarus cause some chaos in her kitchen. The pair get along decently. Through when Limon realized that Lazarus is Rocket's supplier for poison she just sighed and went "I swear to everything I love, you two"


Montressor - Business Partners


Limon switched to Montressor from Casque for her wines for pure petty reasons. However she has come to love Montressor's finely crafted wines and uses them in her alcoholic products at her parlor. She often stop by with some sweets for him to sample, and occasionally discuss pairings with wines and food. Limon doesn't mind that Montressor can be dour since she's used to Ione, and she holds respect for him


Casque Brandy - Enemies


Limon and Casque are on TERRIBLE terms. Casque finds it hilarious to rile her up and Limon has been known to attack him on sight. He is one of very very few who can easily rile Limon up. He is PERMANENTLY banned from the Citrusy Cream Parlor. There is a horrible history involved and Limon has not forgiven him for his manipulative ways. DO NOT put them in a room together.

These are not official Succubun prompts and should not be confused as such!


Sexuality & Spars

Meet Succubun Limon, the ice cream parlor owner

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This sweet citrusy bun is almost always at her parlor whipping something delicious or dealing with customers. However when Limon's not at her parlor she's out at some club either having time of her life or she's in middle of a heated spar to let off some steam. Your bun got dragged along with her in her after-work activities.

Complete either of the two prompts outlined below to receive a trinket to decorate your bun's profile with!

Option 1: Indulging Lust
You're out at a club with Limon and there's lot of activities going on. Limon is absolutely indulging in her lustful sin. Do you join her in her activities or watch her? Depict your bun out at a club with Limon.

Rewards: Limon's Thong


Option 2: Sweaty Spar
It's been a long day full of difficult customers and Limon is at her usual spot for martial arts to let off some steam. Depict your bun either sparring with her or watching her fight.

Rewards: Reward name


This is not a real prompt, and should be submitted to the general gallery if you wish to 'complete' it - it should be marked as a gift as well.


Reward Amount
Carats 0
Limon's Thongs 1
Trinket 2 1

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