MYO-2861: ‘Brice’, Ryūsei

Owned by Pooch

Brice is a greed bun of many talents, but he excels the best as a professional photographer. He works with quite a lot of models making sure the lighting and setting is just right to get those perfect shots that will make the viewer swoon. While he mostly works with big paying clients, he still takes on more private clientele that wants more saucy pictures that only few get to see. He is happy to give them a helping hand on set to make sure their skin glistens just right in the perfect lighting.

He exudes calm and professional energy, that’s why he has rises so much in personality over the years he has been in the industry. Not much phases him and he always keeps things discrete and good in his studio. He wants to make sure both client and he himself can enjoy a relaxed atmosphere.

He tends to keep his interests and private life… private, that is also why he usually uses the name Brice publicly, while his real name is Ryūsei, to distinguish between the two. Once he finds a place he likes he can often be seen frequenting the same businesses over and over again. Something that is easy to spot if you follow his social media. He is always on the hunt for a place that serves him good food and drinks, especially served in a pleasant environment. The perfect place for relaxation and winding down.

Favorite drink? Hot chocolate.

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