MYO-2848: Owain

Owain is a very... Hard bun to get along with. Demanding things be done a certain way and only that way can it be done. He has also lost many jobs thanks to this... The only reason he hasn't lost the current job is thanks to his coworker and one friend Ringue. Though... This particular office has taken to calling Owain their 'favorite (drama) king' and enjoy his chewing out of others who talk down to Ringue. At the burrow, he doesn't change much. Demanding Scruff do the trash RIGHT this time (exactly how he showed the sloth bun plenty of times) or that Torahiko cease his teasings about his friend at ONCE. If you know how to deal with him, he isn't hard to redirect. If only because really the only problem is his dysregulation.

Owain doesn't talk about the demon who raised him, not wanting to remember how he was denied many things soon after his horns grew. The carerer didn't want Owain's lust for attention, for new toys, etc to cloud his judgement. Putting the care of his younger siblings to the still small kit to teach him that there is more than his vices to life. The constant denial and being the carer led to Owain holding everything in until he broke. Now demanding everything be to his liking or it'll all fall apart. 

The lust bun now hoards anything he wants. From crowns, to pillows as of late, to imp figurines... All of it. He can afford it all now and anyone who takes it away will be met with a quick and thourough hit with whatever is on hand. More often than not, it's his sceptor.

Height: 5'5 (HAH. SHORT)

Pronouns: He/Him


  • Ringue: His work colleague and bestie, one of the few buns who can help him from an outburst and make him listen to reason. She can even hold his scepter at work, so he doesn't beat that bitch Ruby at cubicle 19! Ringue is a queen and deserves respect, Owain makes sure the others see that and obey her request without hesitation. Often when he needs a minute to calm, or needs comfort, Ringue takes him aside for binks and nuzzles. Something he appreciates.
  • Torahiko: Owain's second in command since kithood days and one of the few he can confide in... Not that Owain would admit to it. But every king needs a levelheaded advisor and a jester. Torahiko does both! Torahiko can also read Owain's cues, knowing when a crash is about to come and Owain trust his brother to let him go through it. However, they're still brothers and as such Tora is not above making Owain scream and stomp. Especially when teasing him about Ringue.
  • Scruff: The youngest who grew taller than him. It is a bit of a sore spot... Owain has conflicting feelings, wanting to care for Scruff like he always has but he also views the other as the youngest brother who HAS to listen cause Owain KNOWS BETTER. It's a little conflicting. Other days he finds it hard to be with the other as his sole purpose under his old caretaker was helping care for the others. Even so, Owain enjoys playing games with his brothers or watching movies. Especially on crash days.


  • Collecting
  • Movie Watching
  • Roleplaying
  • Video games
  • Castle dioramas
  • bun watching
  • Please ask before gift art
  • Please ask before gift writing