MYO-2735: Ivy

Owned by steviatea

2024 Breeding Partner: MYO-2422

she/her • 26 • lesbian

Ivy has suffered from severe social anxiety throughout her life. When she discovered the wonders of BDSM while wandering through one of Burrowgatory's many sex shops, she realized that she could turn her life around in an unexpected way.  With no long term domme of her own but a generally submissive nature, she wears a muzzle gag at all times—well, almost.  It provides her a sense of comfort and reassurance, aside from the evidently sexual aspect of it. The only times she's seen without the muzzle is when eating, drinking, or in bun form when she needs to take a break.

Ivy prefers to stay silent and rarely ever speaks—on the occasion that she does speak, her voice is incredibly soft-spoken with a stutter.

Outside of her love for kink, Ivy is an incredibly soft-hearted and kind bun and loves to do anything she can to help others out... sometimes to the point of being a doormat. Her anxiety is often well managed with her muzzle in place, but when pressured to speak without it, she becomes flustered and is prone to panicking or tearing up. As long as she's comfortable, though, Ivy makes for an incredibly affectionate lust bun and greatly enjoys making friends.

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