MYO-2701: Emry

Emry works in the same office building as Ringue and Owain but works with contracts department. Emry is a very... Laid back bun? It's hard to say,  as he is the 'Kindhearted' and 'Kinda Boring' type on one hand. However, he also has the bosses' ear with his cutthroat contracts that leave enough loopholes to drain opposition dry. A failsafe incase any double crossing occurs. Some whisper he is a demon when it comes to crossing off threats, hiding a vicious streak that is more out of sight. Though that is either too startleing or too out of character to the office so they choose to ignore it.

Owain is the only one who makes his 'disdain' for his rival clear... Though that doesn't seem to be a issue when Emry has the other 'busy' with more private task. Taking command and taking what's his like a greedy dragon.

When not at work, Emry lives alone and prefers to knit sweaters and scarves. Often making some for Ringue (despite Owain's protest), maybe some for his boss and favored coworkers. If not then Emry's tries playing TTRPGs with high fantasy or dystopian settles with a few friends. Emry's favorite character in a particularly long campaign is a dragonfolk and the other a feathered bard. Since he's usually busy at work, these games are very dear to him when Emry can play. So, when he can't play he settles for a little handheld gaming system to play tactical rpgs. It's not much, but it's enough for him.


Height: 6'1

Pronouns: He/Him

Toyhouse linke with more art: Here!


  • Owain: Oh what a silly king. Emry knows Owain's tantrums at work are probably just a lack of regulation since Ringue can keep the other calm or talk him down. So, Emry uses this. Giving Owain structure and being both a rival (how can two kingly buns not be??) and fwbs.
  • Ringue: A darling meant to be cherished, while Emry doesn't grow attached easily... Ringue is useful, but she doesn't deserve any trouble. So, Emry has taken it upon himself to distract her from some work aspects for her own good and take care of the... Messier office problems.


  • Knitting
  • Video Games
  • Trivia
  • Dragon Figure collecting
  • Doodling


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