MYO-2646: Sabrina

Owned by Eyeris


SHE/Her | 5'7"

Sabrina is a lively and uproarious show host and announcer who regularly throws parties while not booked for other engagements. Her life's motto is to always have some room for FUN!!! Cheery and excitable, Sabrina is easily the life of any party. While she commonly runs game shows and and quiz nights, it's clear that there's nothing she likes more than putting a smile on other people's faces. She not really a celebrity, but she'd absolutely love it if you said hi when you see her~!

When not on the clock or stage, Sabrina's a much more subdued, though still energetic, individual with a pretty long streak for mischief and mishaps. She's coy, she's silly, and she really likes it when people tell her she's doing a great job just as much as she likes telling other people that they are too~ Gets playfully bashful when flirted with, and loves a good back and forth more than anything. Sabrina is also a bit of a dork; comes with the territory of running events known for trivia. Her cue cards (the ones on her hat) are less actual notes and moreso lists of topics she can gush about at any given time.<3 (Though it is partially also her grocery list)


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