MYO (MYO) ・ Succubun ・ Sinful

MYO-2568: Imari (👤)

Owned by Chaunter

Please depict Imari as trans or cis masc unless specifically requested otherwise.
Has a habit of calling everyone 'darling~' in a (maybe not so?) subtly sultry voice (either genuinely or sarcastically depending on how much or how little he likes you lol)

Any height but maybe leaning more to the shorter-average height range? usually has a t-dick but can have an average or slightly smaller than average dick if cis masc presenting. I really haven't figured them out yet but I'm thinking he's probably a dominant bottom type? A sweet talker, has a very sultry voice and loves using pet names with their partners. I'm thinking he has sort of a 'you get me off first and if you do a good job then then maybe I'll get you off too... If I feel like it ' type vibe if that makes sense?? lol
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