MYO-2544: Silas H. Hollyhock

2024 Breeding Partner: Min!

oldmanbecca has permission to breed this bun!

This himbo is absolutely the friend you'd want to have. Silas Hunter Hollyhock is a protective bun and the most supportive hype man you'll ever meet. Silas will raise up his friends and go along with whatever scheme if only to make sure that said friends are safe. That said, he's also a bit impulsive himself and will sometimes act on the intrusive thoughts that haunt him in order to get results. More than anything, Silas is curious. He has always been curious with a lust for knowledge that only got more pronounced after being raised by Cherno, a inquisitive demon that had a thirst for knowledge that led to many... Break ins. Using the baby Silas to squeeze into forbidden rooms to unlock from the inside. Silas has learned one thing from Cherno, and that was "There is no forbidden knowledge! Just things humans are afraid to learn." 

Well, there were other things too. Like how to budget, ration, and if he has anything he's dying to know Silas knows he can call Cherno. He is not ashamed he called his caretaker when he couldn't figure out the manual to a dishwasher because the writing was way too confusing... For the record, it took to brainiacs to figure it out.

But the main thing was how to trespass and collect knowledge. Often encountering wanderlust and seeking something new. At least the thing that stuck... A few 'friends' have used this to their advantage. Using Silas to get in. A few partners have also used this against him, and while Silas holds no ill will... He has made some boundaries for himself and others, not afraid to enforce them if he feels he's being used again.  A few of these include not going to parties with only two buns, not encouraging a 'chase' if a bun says no and staying out of any gang activity.

Height: 5'6

Pronouns: He/Him

Toyhouse profile with more art and drabbles: Here!


  • Torahiko: A close friend since the start, Cherno being business partners with the other bun's caretaker. They share fashion and music, often hanging out when Tora isn't busy streaming or with friends. While he won't go to parties with two buns, he has gone out to drink and dance with Tora only.
  • Chip: Torahiko's brother has a rivalry with this bun, but Silas likes him! The two often have reckless fun that Torahiko has to pick them up from. If not Chip's brothers Cookie and Coco. Really, they enable the other if anything.


  • lockpicking contest (he has come toe to toe with Cedric)
  • coding
  • fossil and insect collecting
  • bowling
  • climbing
  • traveling
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