MYO-2422: Haze

Owned by Calanthe
  Puppy (by Valentino)   he / they   Late twenties   Lust   Trans man   Bisexual   Polyamorous   Voice Claim   6'9   Freelance tech engineer   Theme Song


pragmatic · reliable · introspective · absentminded

Extroverted but fairly chill dude who funnily enough, is mostly a hermit. Not of their own choice, not most of the time anyway... Despite not looking like it due to the favoured punk aesthetic, he's one of the guys who makes sure Burrowgatory's tech infrastructure doesn't fall apart because they work on critical software updates (you know the kind), and engineering improvements. He also thinkers with bioengineering sometimes.
In their free time, Haze likes to play bass in open house events or other casual music venues. They also venture out of the main urban area of Burrowgatory in search for new stuff to bring home (like shiny rocks).
Also, due to his sinful nature, they're Not immune to casual flings!! Though now he's also started to settle down a little in a triad with Valentino and Gris.


  • A good drink (alcoholic or otherwise)
  • Brainstorming his next project
  • Punk Subculture
  • "Showing off" (rambling about) their work
  • Loud music


  • Being imposed over
  • Strong smells
  • Loose clothes
  • Spaces where he can't freely be a whore


No Libido  
 High Libido
Alcohol Intolerant  
 Alochol Tolerant



Haze was at an event with a music venue where they happened to play at, when he spotted Gris on his own. Realizing they were being bothered by shady people, they pretended to know it to keep them at bay.
They became friends afterwards. Eventually Gris introduced him to her partner, Valentino, turning their relationship into a romantic triad.
Unlike their mutual partner, the two of them are taking it at a much, much slower pace, still exploring what it means to be lovers... Their huge mutual trust already shows a good path for their future.


While they met because of Gris, the moment Haze and Valentino got to know each other, there was a very strong, immediate, really electric attraction.
Being equally interested in sciences, they respect each other as intellectuals and bounce off each other's thoughts a lot, usually volunteering to be the test subject for the other's mad ideas... And lewd ones, too.


Haze discovered Rubí's filmography (more than just the PG stuff) during one of his recluse work bouts. They immediately became charmed by his persona and appearance... Besides the allure of her being an envy bun and all.
They're not proud of how much he's spent on things related to Rubí, but they argue it's for "preservation purposes".

HTML by LeafJelly
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed
  • Breeding is allowed