MYO (MYO) ・ Succubun ・ Sinful

MYO-238: Himeko 👑

Owned by Lotlity


Himeko 👑

[ She / Her ] | Single 💕

Himeko is Shizu's twin older sister, She is a very lazy bun ....who often sleeps or climbs on her parents because too lazy to walk!!

She is always found with either Tsuyu or Sakurai. And too lazy to be in doll form, which means she can't piggyback ride on her parents. So she's always in bun form.

They selected her and Shizu again from among the new adults returning to Burrowgatory ,because of some idea that there was no bun that suited them better than the buns that resembled their traits. (Probably because of Sakurai's Pride and...Tsuyu also lust with Sakurai a lot)

So, Himeko and Shizu are rare buns that got both the privilege of connections and bloodlines from their parents.

However, despite being lazy, she was already an adult. So sometimes it's necessary to help out with some work in a bar & cafe...or maybe just use her cuteness to get free drinks from her sire customers. Otherwise, she can wait for Shizu to bring in the rest of the snacks for her.


Usually Sakurai is called Sasa [Sire] and Tsuyu is her Dada [Dam].

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