MYO-2358: Shinchu

Owned by mikmik121



"Shinchu are great insect gods who take the appearence of silkworm moths who feed on spiteful yokai over humans. Their victims are torn apart violently, said to devour thousands of souls in a day..."

(She/they)  SHInchu



Shinchu entered Burrowgatory and found herself living on her own. The resting bitch face tends to ward off most, and the confident and strong aura that exhudes from her is enough to keep most other buns to keep a distnace. Not to mention her tendency to threaten those who mention hurting others in any capacity.

Because of this, many new buns have flocked to her for a hand in getting used to their new life in Burrowgatory. She owns a teahouse that also doubles as a place for buns to come to ask her help in dealing with their problems...


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