MYO-2330: Guinevere

Owned by satyrn


"Gwen" / She-Her / 23 / Clumsy-Shy-Crybaby / 4'11 [Doll]

Gwen is a very small girl who tends to be on the more clumsy and ditzy side, though shes still very kind and overly apologetic.

personality tldr;; shes a kind and apologetic mess. she is very clumsy to the point she could trip on thin air, and she is quite shy with new people and especially with compliments. she cries easily, and can be very alice in wonderlands "oh dear oh dear" at times. she giggles easily as well though, and is very good company for others. she is an amazing listener and actually has very good advice, since shes able to get to the point or root of an issue and tell it how it is no matter how much it could sting.


Fun Things;

  • Loves sweet things far more than savory
  • Favourite drink is absolutely swimosa and rum and smoke
  • Loves to wear makeup, lipstick, even eye stuff though she knows her bangs will cover it
  • Bangs can be clipped back! Her eyes are pale yellow with sparkle shaped white pupils
  • Has no sexual or romantic preference
  • Likes star and space based things, probably due to her star motes! They glow very faintly
  • Works as a waitress at Damons bar, its nice there



No asking needed;

  • ✔ Gift art / Prompt art of any kind
  • ✔ NSFW [see spoiler box below for more on that]
  • ✔  Drinking
  • ✔ SFW with others!
  • ✔ Flirting with others!

Ask first;;

  • Smoking
  • NSFW with others [mutuals, ur excluded from this]
  • Writing




Toggle Spoiler
  • 4'11 in height
  • Does not ever shift her genitals, she can, she just does not
  • Body type is pear-like, shes curvy
  • She has a size kink :>, so anyone bigger than her whether its height or weight or broadness or all, yeah.
  • Pubic hair is shaved down but not 100% gone
  • Likes sex a variety of ways. Doesnt mind it being slow and drawn out or hard, fast and rough. Jack of all trades
  • Submissive, Very much scratches the dominant itch in tops and more dominant personalities



  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing
  • Please ask before breeding