MYO-2264: Baisho

A bun who is enigmatic at times if not downright silly at others. Baisho is the owner of a small Occult shop that he named The Green Apple (a joke on a apple from a fairytale). In his free time, outside of organizing the store inventory and merchandise of course, Baisho reads up on occult forums and scary stories. Often sharing messages with buns that are interested in such things or giving one of his old pen pals ideas for his next novel. He may not be interested in the romance part, but Baisho is happy to help his pen pal with the horror part. Nothing is scarier than what buns and humans and other sentient 'humane' beings could do. When offline, Baisho likes to tend to his apple orchard. Funny, he knows. Sitting among roots after a long day and feeling a breeze is very soothing and feels like a payment.

It feels more rewarding than having to deal with his... Partner? Well, partner no longer. Or mother for that matter. Baisho is glad his mother deems Burrowgatory beneath her, it keeps him safe from her criticism. To hide and take a much-needed nap. His ex(?) dropped him off here as soon as he entertained her no more. He's maybe? okay with that. But even when he finally takes a nice nap in the shade with a cool breeze after work or find himself deep in work at the shop... Baisho will shiver, feeling eyes from nothing on him. A voice criticizing his way or organizing, working, sleeping... The bun is sure it will go away in time. 


Height: 5'7

Pronouns: He/Him

(Here!) (Toyhouse!)


  • Lumen: A well-known customer and reoccurring friend behind the counter. One of the sweetest buns Baisho knows and has since allowed close to him. Something rare considering everything he's left unsaid. 
  • Todd: A old pen pal, neither have shared their actual names. They often share ideas and build plots together when Todd has writers block. Todd may have had a crush, but Baisho isn't sure about that.


  • Orchard tending
  • Cleaning
  • Reading
  • Researching
  • Writing
  • Dozing
  • Please ask before gift art
  • Please ask before gift writing