MYO-2248: Gossamer

Owned by MiamiMami
             Handsome, Boy
             35 Years Old
             Bun Type
             6' 1'' (185cm)




         Snarky · Sarcastic · Peppy · Coy

Gossamer is a buttler hired by Mammon to service and protect Marie. He enjoys his job and he loves caring for Marie. What he doesn't love is his boss. Gossamer tends to do his best to spite Mammon whenever he can and when he thinks he can get away with it. Currently Gossamer is trying to hide his relationship with Marie from his employer. If Mammon knew he was the one who knocked Marie up he would have Gossamer's head mounted on his wall.



  • Pastries
  • Tea
  • Riddles
  • Books


  • Sour Candy
  • Plain Water
  • Know it Alls
  • Mammon


         ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡

Marie is Gossamer's partner and mistress. He genuinely enjoys serving Marie. They have similar intrests and hobbies making Gossamer have a rather enjoyable workplace. Gossamer tends to show up on Marie's streams to bring her food, drink or help her on difficult parts of a video game she might be playing. Gossamer genuinely loves and cares about Marie beyond what his job requires of him.


         ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡

Mammon is Gossamer's employer. He's the one who hired Gossamer to serve Marie. The relationship the two have is rather contenious, both of them despise the other intensely. Mammon despises Gossamer due to how close and touchy he is with Marie, Gossamer hates Mammon because he's just a shitty boss. If Mammon knew that Gossamer was the one who knocked Marie up he would kill Gossamer without hesitation.


         Character Name
         ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡
        Relationship Type

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